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Want to become an Australian citizen?

Want to become an Australian citizen?

The Australia Citizenship Test Snapshot 2011-12 demonstrates that more and more people are interested in making a home for themselves Down Under.

According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), a total of 71,662 applicants from over 196 countries took the citizenship test in 2011-12, which represents an increase of nearly 20 per cent on the previous year's figure of 59,787.

In addition to this, more than 90 per cent of participants in the "humanitarian program" passed the test. This means pass rates have gone up five per cent since courses and tuition for disadvantaged migrants were introduced.

The citizenship test assesses whether prospective Australians have sufficient knowledge of the country, and understand the responsibilities and privileges attached to being a citizen here.

There are many reasons why a person would choose to become an Australian citizen.

If you would like some help with your citizenship application, there are migration agents all over the country that would gladly set you on the right path.

You can lodge an application for Australian citizenship if any of the following circumstances apply to you.

If you have migrated to Australia and meet all eligibility requirements, you may apply for citizenship by conferral.

A person who is a New Zealand or British citizen and has lived in Australia for a long time, is the spouse of an Australian citizen, is the child of former Australian citizens, or has arrived in Australia under the Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme could meet these eligibility requirements.

In addition to this, Papuans who were born before independence (in 1975) and refugees or humanitarian entrants may also be eligible.

If you were born outside of the country but have an Australian parent, you can apply for citizenship by descent.

People who were once citizens of Australia but have since lost or given this up are entitled to apply for citizenship by resumption.

Finally, if you were adopted by an Australian citizen, you may apply for citizenship by adoption or conferral, states the DIAC. Which category you fall under depends on where your adoption was finalised, in Australia or overseas.

Australian migration agents are a fantastic source of information when it comes to citizenship or permanent residency application.

They can guide you through the sometimes harrowing application process, ensuring it goes as smoothly as humanly possible.

Want to make Australia your home? Ask a migration agent about your citizenship application options today!

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