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FWO given extra powers over 457 'rorts'

FWO given extra powers over 457 'rorts'

The Fair Work Ombudsman will be given extra powers of investigation to search for 457 immigration visa rorts throughout the Australian workplace.

Labor has recently announced a crackdown on abuses of the system, as the government says it is looking to put Australian workers first.

The ombudsman's job is to ensure that workers are placed in the right position within the workforce, while checking that employees are being paid the correct amount. This will be in conjunction with the work that is being carried out by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

An independent agency that is responsible for ensuring laws are enforced within the workplace, the Fair Work Ombudsman has over 300 inspectors at its disposal to investigate complaints and ensure that all businesses are complying with the law.

Any suspicious activity will be referred to the DIAC, which will look beyond the basics of payments, work conditions and the actual job that is being undertaken.

The Gillard government has made it a point that working conditions should be fair for everyone, including foreigners here on 457 visas.

"Regardless of your country of origin or your citizenship status, if you work in an Australian workplace you should have the benefit of a fair go and the rule of law," said immigration and citizenship minister Brendan O'Connor.

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