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DSS's goals for settlement and multicultural affairs

DSS's goals for settlement and multicultural affairs

As part of her address to the Settlement Council of Australia on November 18, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells shed some much-needed light on the new-and-improved Department of Social Services - information that should prove useful to migration agents around the country.

Ms Fierravanti-Wells is the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services and Senator for New South Wales.

Earlier this year, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) announced it would no longer be responsible for the area known as "settlement and multicultural affairs".

This is now under the jurisdiction of the Department of Social Services (DSS) - formerly the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

The newly renamed DSS will be in charge of all settlement and multicultural policies as well as the following programs: the Australian Cultural Orientation (AUSCO) Program,  Humanitarian Settlement Services, the Settlement Grants Program, Complex Case Support, the Diversity and Social Cohesion Program and Multicultural Arts and Festivals Grants.

Moving forward, the DSS will continue to have "strong links" with the DIBP, which is still in charge of the overall migration program and managing intakes.

Ms Fierravanti-Wells explained to the Settlement Council of Australia that the DSS is committed to designing policies and offering services that will promote independence and active participation in our society.

In particular, she drew her audience's attention to Australia's current "settlement service delivery models" and asked them to consider how it might be improved.

"I am thinking with a particular emphasis on cutting red tape and reducing administrative overheads to ensure the provision of the highest quality services in an effective and efficient manner," she said.

Ms Fierravanti-Wells believes this idea could become a reality now that settlement and multicultural affairs are in the DSS's hands.

She went on to say that we all have an important part to play when it comes to helping migrants and their families settle quickly into the Australian way of life.

"This includes all levels of government, service providers, as well as community organisations and volunteers. Only by working together cooperatively can we ensure that there is effective and efficient use of limited resources."

Ms Fierravanti-Wells concluded by stating the DSS is committed 100 per cent to basing any new settlement service delivery models it introduces on extensive research around settlement and multicultural affairs.

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