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Studying in Australia

Studying in Australia

In global tourism campaigns, Australia is often associated with outdoor adventures and colourful wildlife, not textbooks and lecture halls.

Yet when it comes to education, Australia is home to some of the world's finest schools and universities.

Have you considered combining an amazing overseas experience with furthering your education? Studying in Australia is an ideal opportunity to gain a world-class qualification while seeing a new country at the same time.

Whether you want to immerse yourself in Melbourne's art scene or learn all about wildlife in Tropical North Queensland, Australia's diversity has something to offer every student.

As Australia steadily attracts more attention from some of the world's leading economies, it is also an excellent country to have on your CV. Its proximity with Asia also makes it an ideal location in the wake of the Asian Century. Not to mention, in today's digital age international experience can give you an edge over competitors and help your resume stand out from the rest.

And when it comes to offering internationally renowned courses and teachings, Australia is right up there with the best.

The Australian Awards for University Teaching were recently announced in Canberra, commending leading university lecturers for their world class teaching efforts.

The recipients included Professor John Croucher of Macquarie University, who is well known for his outstanding contribution to the academic study of management. Professor Croucher was awarded the top prize of the Prime Minister's Award for Australian University Teacher of the Year.

Commenting on the awards, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education Senator Ryan Scott said maintaining a high-quality, thriving tertiary education sector was an important priority for the Australian government.

"Australian universities are internationally renowned, and the government is committed to implementing policies that ensure we continue to have a truly world class higher education system," Senator Ryan asserted.

"Maintaining quality in tertiary education is our number one priority, and with these exceptional teachers and programs we will continue to expand our international education reputation."

If you are considering moving to Australia for study purposes, you may want to consult registered migration agents in Australia for advice on your visa application.

Experienced migration consultants can help you understand which visa is right for you and provide you with advice and guidance about other aspects of moving to Australia, such as which health services you may be eligible for and how to manage any properties or investments.

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