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Negotiations continue on PACER Plus trade agreement

Negotiations continue on PACER Plus trade agreement

The same day Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb was in Sydney bolstering our country's relationship with New Zealand, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop was in Auckland conducting negotiations for the 'Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus' trade agreement.

"PACER Plus presents an opportunity to encourage Pacific nations to become more integrated," explained Ms Bishop in a November 27 statement.

By "integrated", she means promoting the freer exchange of goods, services, investments and, of course, people between Pacific communities and Australia in order to "better the prospects for long-term economic growth" for everyone involved.

The Australian government has announced it will commit a whopping $1.8 million to PACER Plus trade agreement over the next three years to help it get underway successfully.

"This demonstrates the Australian government's strong commitment to greater economic prosperity in the Pacific," said Ms Bishop.

Some of the nations participating in the PACER Plus trade agreement include the Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Samoa and Tonga  - to name just a few.

Anyone from these nations interested in applying for immigration visas to Australia will no doubt welcome the progress made on this trade agreement - and may want to get in touch with a migration agent to discuss their options in the near future!

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