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Choose LEGENDcom for your professional library

Choose LEGENDcom for your professional library

All registered migration agents in Australia must have a professional library or make sure they have access to one at work. This is required by the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority.

It's important to have a professional library, as it contains information on migration and citizenship legislation and relevant policies - everything you need to help your clients apply for visas.

One of the best ways to meet this requirement is by using LEGENDcom. This useful electronic database contains all of the necessary documents in one place. That means no more rummaging through your bookshelves!

It's available to migration agents on a subscription basis through the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).

The DIBP has just released a new version of LEGENDcom that's a must-have for all migration agents in Australia. It's been redesigned to include "more intuitive navigation" - perfect for finding the right document quickly - along with improved search functions.

It's compatible with most web browsers, including mobile devices, which means you can take your professional library with you wherever you go!

While you may see other products out there that perform a similar function, Migration Alliance strongly recommends subscribing to LegendCOM today!

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