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Australian Citizenship Day

Australian Citizenship Day

On September 17, we will once again celebrate Australian Citizenship Day.

This was first held in 2001, and has been a highly successful annual event for the past 11 years.

It continues to be organised by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), which reveals the event aims to "increase community awareness of Australian citizenship".

Even if you're a migration agent, you may not be aware that the date on which Australian Citizenship Day is held each year has a special significance.

September 17 is when the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was renamed the Australian Citizenship Act 1948 - a very special moment in our country's history!

Australian Citizenship Day is observed by people across the nation in a number of different ways.

The DIAC is encouraging citizens to get as creative as possible in their attempts to prove their commitment and loyalty to Australia.

For instance, you could host a citizenship-themed morning tea at your workplace.

If you want to take it to the next level, a lot of people actually become citizens on Australian Citizenship Day.

The DIAC reveals that in 2011, more than 4,000 people became citizens across a massive 120 ceremonies on September 17.

If you're interested in lodging a citizenship application, a registered migration agent (RMA) can help you out.

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