'457-style visas', the latest catch-phrase for the 482 visa
Opposition Immigration Minister, Shayne Neumann MP has said today that rather than investing in skills and training for local workers, Immigration Minister David Coleman has announced eighteen more occupations in regional areas which will now be available to overseas workers.
Neumann has said that the current government are obsessed with importing overseas workers on 457- style visas rather than training Australian workers first, and questions whether this is part of their “economic plan”, then likens it to 'driving down the wages of Australian workers'?
Neumann has said:
"More and more occupations have crept their way onto the skilled occupation lists under the Liberals – with no guarantees from the Morrison Government that local workers won’t be overlooked for overseas workers on 457-style visas."
Neumann says that the current government have failed to address workforce shortages facing Australia’s agriculture sector for close to six years and now, on the eve of the election and facing a comeback from the “elected Deputy Prime Minister of Australia”, he says our Prime Minister is opening the door for more 457-style visas.
What are your views on this?