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Migration (Specification of Degrees) Instrument (LIN 24/048) 2024

Issued by: Authority of the Minister for Home Affairs

Effective Date: 1 July 2024

The Migration (Specification of Degrees) Instrument (LIN 24/048) 2024, effective from 1 July 2024, updates the Migration Regulations 1994. This instrument repeals the previous Migration (Specification under clause 485.231—Qualifications) Instrument (LIN 23/023) 2023 and specifies new degrees required for Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa applicants in the Post-Higher Education Work stream.

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Summary of the Migration (Specification of Categories of Visas that Preclude a Person from Lodging a Student Visa Application in Australia) Amendment Instrument (LIN 24/051) 2024

Issued by: Authority of the Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Cyber Security

Effective Date: 1 July 2024

Purpose: The Migration (Specification of Categories of Visas that Preclude a Person from Lodging a Student Visa Application in Australia) Amendment Instrument (LIN 24/051) 2024 introduces changes to the Migration Regulations 1994 to update the categories of substantive temporary visas that preclude a person from lodging a Student (Temporary) visa application while in Australia.

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Summary of the Migration Amendment (Work Related Visa Conditions) Regulations 2024

Effective Date: 1 July 2024

Purpose: The Migration Amendment (Work Related Visa Conditions) Regulations 2024 introduce significant changes to the Migration Regulations 1994 to enhance the labour market mobility of temporary migrants holding certain employer-sponsored visas. These amendments aim to reduce dependency on a single employer, address power imbalances, and provide greater flexibility for visa holders to change employers without risking their lawful status in Australia.

Key Changes:

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Summary of the Migration Amendment (Graduate Visas) Regulations 2024

The Migration Amendment (Graduate Visas) Regulations 2024 introduces significant changes to the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) and closes the Skilled-Recognised Graduate visa (subclass 476). Key changes include:

  1. Simplification of Temporary Graduate Visa:

    • Graduate Work Stream renamed: Now called the Post-Vocational Education Work Stream.
    • Eligibility Changes: Requires applicants to hold an associate degree, diploma, or trade qualification related to their nominated occupation.
    • Age Limit Reduced: Maximum eligible age reduced from 50 to 35 years (except for certain passport holders and higher degree graduates).
  2. Post-Higher Education Work Stream:

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Effective Date: 1 July 2024

Purpose: The Migration Legislation Amendment (Graduate Visas) Instrument (LIN 24/044) 2024 introduces several significant changes to the Migration Regulations 1994 to streamline and improve the Temporary Graduate visa program. These amendments are part of the Australian Government's commitment to strengthen and simplify the migration system as outlined in the Migration Strategy released on 11 December 2023.

Key Amendments:

  1. Closure of Certain Visa Applications:

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Migration (Workplace Justice Visa - LIN 24/055) Instrument 2024
The Migration (Workplace Justice Visa—LIN 24/055) ...
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Migration (Strengthening Reporting Protections - LIN 24/057) Instrument 2024
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Administrative Appeals Tribunal - 1 July 2024 fee increases
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Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charges) Regulations 2024
The Australian Government has issued the Migration...
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