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The Migration (Arrangements for Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) Visa Applications) (India) Amendment Instrument (LIN 24/059) 2024 introduces key changes to visa eligibility for Indian nationals, effective from 16 September 2024. This amendment allows Indian passport holders to apply for the Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa, under revised conditions set by the Australian Government.

Key points include:

  • Indian nationals are now eligible to apply for the Subclass 462 visa.
  • Indian applicants are exempt from the requirement to provide evidence of support from the Indian government for visa applications.
  • Applicants must have successfully completed a minimum of 2 years post-secondary education to qualify.

This amendment follows the agreement reached between the Australian and Indian governments as part of the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement, strengthening bilateral relations and promoting work and holiday opportunities between the two countries.

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The Migration Amendment (Subclass 462 Work and Holiday Visa) Regulations 2024 introduces significant changes to the application process for the Subclass 462 Work and Holiday visa. The key amendment is the implementation of a visa pre-application process, often referred to as a "ballot," for applicants from certain countries. This process requires applicants from specified foreign countries, such as China, India, and Vietnam, to be randomly selected in a ballot before they can submit a valid visa application.

The amendment aims to manage the high demand for Subclass 462 visas from these countries more effectively and to ensure a fair distribution of visas. The ballot process allows all registered participants an equal opportunity to be selected, addressing the issue of oversubscription relative to the agreed visa allocation for each participating country.

The regulations also include provisions to maintain the integrity of the process, ensuring that applicants continue to hold a valid passport from the specified country throughout the application stages. The amendments are set to commence on 16 September 2024 and will apply to new applicants who have not previously held a Subclass 462 visa.

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The document titled "Migration Visa Pre-Application Process Charge Amendment Work and Holiday Visa Regulations 2024 - Explanatory Statement" outlines amendments to the Migration (Visa Pre-application Process) Charge Regulations 2024. These amendments, issued under the authority of the Migration (Visa Pre-application Process) Charge Act 2023, specifically focus on the Subclass 462 (Work and Holiday) visa.

Key points include:

  1. Charge Implementation: A charge of $25 is introduced for the registration of participants in a visa pre-application process (ballot) for the Subclass 462 visa. This charge is intended to ensure that only genuine applicants participate in the ballot, reducing the risk of disingenuous registrations that could undermine the process's integrity.

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Australia needs a National Migration Institute to address widespread misinformation about migration, which is threatening democracy and social cohesion, according to ANU expert Professor Alan Gamlen. The call for a National Migration Institute aims to provide clear, factual information on migration, counteracting myths and fear-driven narratives. The institute would focus on researching and educating the public about migration's true impact on Australia’s economy, society, and international relations.

Migration Alliance fully supports this initiative. Our founder, Liana Allan, also recommends establishing this institute as an essential step forward for the country. We must all get behind this effort to ensure that migration policies are informed by facts, not fear.

Read more: Australia-needs-a-National-Migration-Institute---ANU-expert.pdf.

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From the ABS:
The fourth and final round of consultation for the comprehensive review of ANZSCO will be closing in 2 weeks on 6 September 2024 (11.59pm).

We encourage that all feedback is provided by 6 September, even if it is incomplete, to ensure that it is received in time for consideration. 

Here’s how you can share your views.
  • Consultation round 4 is open on the ABS Consultation Hub. A feedback guide is available, outlining the simple steps to participate and provide feedback.
  • A draft classification is available until 6 September 2024. The link is accessed via the ABS Consultation Hub on the Overview page and in the survey pages when completing your feedback response.
Feedback we are seeking

We encourage that all feedback is provided prior to 6 September, even if it is incomplete, to ensure that it is received in time for consideration. 

ABS is interested in understanding how you use and consume the classification and if there are any unintended consequences of the proposed structure. View our latest video to find out more.
For more information about this final round of consultation visit Updating ANZSCO and the Round 4 Factsheet.
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