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The Australian government has announced the introduction of the Subclass 192 Pacific Engagement Visa, effective from March 29, 2024. This new visa category creates a pathway to permanent residence for citizens of Pacific island nations and Timor-Leste, aimed at deepening Australia's connections with these regions. The initiative supports cultural, business, and educational exchanges by allowing eligible individuals and their families to settle in Australia permanently.

The selection process for applicants will be conducted through a ballot system to ensure equal opportunity for all eligible candidates. To qualify, applicants must satisfy a range of criteria, including health, character, and security checks, demonstrate English language proficiency, and have employment and financial capacity.

This development signifies a significant step toward enhancing the inclusivity and collaboration between Australia and the Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste, fostering stronger regional ties and mutual benefits.

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Exciting update for international students and future migrants! The Australian government has made a significant change to the Subclass 500 Student Visa regulations, simplifying the process for students planning their future in Australia.

Previously, students were required to demonstrate that their intention to stay in Australia was only temporary. However, this requirement has now been removed! This means students can now concentrate on their studies and future career paths without the additional burden of proving their temporary residency intentions.

This modification is a part of Australia's initiative to improve the quality and integrity of its international education system. It aims to attract genuine students and simplify the pathway toward potential permanent residency, especially for those who can fill skill shortages.

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Australian Government Expands Health Care Benefits for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme Participants

In a landmark decision, the Australian Government has announced an extension of health care benefits to the partners of workers participating in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme. This extension comes through the recent amendment to the Social Security (Dependants—Concession Cards) regulations, now allowing partners of PALM scheme workers to be listed as dependants on the Health Care Card (HCC) issued to these workers.

Key Benefits:

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Exciting update from the office of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs: the new LIN 24/015 legislative instrument is now in effect, amending the Subclass 476 Visa regulations. Recent engineering graduates who've studied at specified institutions have an opportunity to live, work, or study in Australia for up to 18 months.

The instrument carries over the existing policies from IMMI 14/010, so there's no change to the list of qualifying institutions, all of which are accredited by signatories to the Washington Accord. This ensures continuity and stability for applicants and educational institutions alike.

Engineering remains the specified discipline under the new instrument, maintaining a clear pathway for international engineering graduates to contribute to Australia's innovation and infrastructure development.

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The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Act 2024, enacted today, February 22, 2024, modifies the Migration Act 1958 to bolster mechanisms for ensuring employer adherence. This legislation introduces several key features:

  • New Employer Sanctions: Implements actions against employers who coerce or improperly influence both lawful and unlawful non-citizens into accepting employment arrangements that violate visa conditions or negatively impact their immigration status, with penalties including jail time and fines.

  • Prohibited Employers: Sets up a system to designate individuals or organizations as prohibited employers for failing to adhere to migration laws, especially regarding migrant worker sanctions. Criteria for these designations include previous violations and the extent of non-compliance, with prohibited employers facing restrictions on hiring certain non-citizens and substantial penalties for breaches.

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Migration (Workplace Justice Visa - LIN 24/055) Instrument 2024
The Migration (Workplace Justice Visa—LIN 24/055) ...
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Migration (Strengthening Reporting Protections - LIN 24/057) Instrument 2024
The Migration (Strengthening Reporting Protections...
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Administrative Appeals Tribunal - 1 July 2024 fee increases
Migration Alliance is in receipt of the following ...
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Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charges) Regulations 2024
The Australian Government has issued the Migration...
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