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The legislative update, issued by the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, introduces amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994 concerning specified work and areas for Subclass 417 and 462 Visas (Instrument LIN 24/020, 2024).

These changes, effective the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislation, broaden the scope of 'specified work' to include recovery efforts from various natural disasters, such as floods, cyclones, or storm surges, beyond the initial focus on flood and bushfire recovery.

The amendments aim to recognise the vital contributions of Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program participants in disaster-stricken regions, facilitating quicker community and business recovery.

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We are excited to inform you that the nomination process for the Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa, Pathway 1, in New South Wales, is now accepting applications. In the subsequent sections, you will find comprehensive details about the nomination procedure and the critical criteria that applicants are required to meet.

This pathway aims to facilitate skilled professionals who are already making significant contributions to the dynamic community and economy of New South Wales.

Guidelines for NSW Nomination under the Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) Pathway 1

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This week marks a significant development in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme, with the introduction of a family accompaniment pilot by the Albanese Government. This innovative initiative will allow 200 PALM scheme workers, starting with those from Kiribati and Timor-Leste, the opportunity to bring their family members to Australia.

Understanding the challenges of family separation for workers from the Pacific and Timor-Leste who reside in Australia for prolonged periods, the government is taking proactive steps to support these individuals. This initiative is focused not only on reuniting families but also on strengthening the bonds between Australia and these Pacific regions.

The pilot program recognizes the significant contributions made by PALM scheme workers across various sectors and communities in Australia, emphasizing their vital role in the national economy.

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The Australian Government has introduced a new rule, known as the Migration (COVID-19 Pandemic event for Temporary Activity (Subclass 408) Visa) Repeal Instrument (LIN 24/003), which will take effect on February 1, 2024. This rule repeals the previous regulation, LIN 22/046, which had classified the COVID-19 pandemic as an 'Australian Government endorsed event' (AGEE). This classification was important because it allowed certain individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to be eligible for a Subclass 408 (Temporary Activity) Visa.

Under the old rule, to qualify for this visa, applicants needed to be involved in work related to the AGEE. The repeal means that, from February 2024, the COVID-19 pandemic will no longer be recognized as an AGEE for visa purposes.

The decision to repeal this regulation comes after the government's announcement on August 31, 2023, stating that the Pandemic event visa would be closed to all applicants from February 2024. This move is part of an effort to better regulate Australia’s visa system now that the conditions that necessitated the Pandemic event visa have changed.

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Summary of the Monthly Update on Onshore Protection (Subclass 866) Visa Processing - December 2023

  • Total Lodgements: 1,942 protection visas were lodged onshore in December 2023.
  • Country of Origin: Top countries for visa lodgements included Vietnam (371), China (203), India (157), Vanuatu (86), and the Philippines (82).
  • Demographics: Applicants varied in age and gender, with the largest groups being 25-34 (515) and 35-44 (533) years old.
  • Refugee Status Determinations: 1,002 determinations were made during this period.
  • Visa Grants: 271 individuals were granted a Final Protection Visa, with the highest grant rates for applicants from Myanmar (96.30%) and Libya (100%).
  • Not Granted: Many applicants, particularly from China (136) and India (118), were not granted a Final Protection Visa.
  • Deportations: Fewer than five individuals were involuntarily deported, with 14 voluntary deportations.
  • Pending Decisions: There were 32,404 refugee status determinations and 76,574 individuals awaiting deportation decisions at the end of the period.

This report was issued by The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural Affairs, and covers all aspects of subclass 866 visa processing, excluding temporary protection or safe haven enterprise visas. It provides a comprehensive overview of lodgements, decisions, and outcomes for the specified period.

Source: Monthly-Update---Onshore-Protection-Subclass-866-Visa-Processing---GILES.pdf

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