ACS and partial months not accepted for skills assessments
I received an email today about Australian Computer Society Skills Assessments and I wanted to share it, as follows:
Hi Liana
There's another issue that wasn't covered - it's not just about skill assessing authorities using a different basis for skill level, ACS also have decided they will ignore partial months. This impacts the many IT clients who do contract work and have many short periods of employment, and as a result their partial months at the start and end of each period are not considered. This can add up and make a difference when trying to meet the 3/5/8 years of experience to obtain points.
As an example 15/03/2013 to 15/05/2013 wouldn't be 2 months, it would be 1 month according to ACS. (The 1/2 month for March and May each would be discarded)
I do around 70 - 100 ACS skill assessments a year and while ACS have improved their communications significantly in the last few years (gone are the days where they refuse to communicate) there are still some remaining issues like this that need to be resolved.