I received this information from Scott Walker, RMA and Director of Active Migration in Perth today:
Sadly I heard my first truly shameful story bought on by the anti-457 campaign over the weekend. I have been told by a 457 holder of verbal abuse from workers on site simply for holding a job that he had the skills to perform, and was genuinely sponsored by an employer who couldn't find and Australian willing to do the job.
I guess I should be more shocked and appalled than I am regarding the CMFEU and it outrageous 457 ad campaign. Unlike many I can see that benefits of unions at times. While I rarely agree with their agendas and methods, it is not often I see a campaign that outright scares me, not for a financial reason – As a migration agent we have many visa’s we work with. However this is the first time I have seen misinformation being used on such a broad scale to bolster a political means. It reminds me of a time in history we should never forget, or repeat.
I visited a Museum in England in 2003. It was a sombre affair, I walked in happy, curious excited. When I walked out I was silent. I didn't speak for an hour while I tried to make sense in my own head how this history had been allowed to happen. I observed a period in history where a group of people were systematically vilified until the unthinkable was actioned. It started simply, at a political level, where a group of people were isolated from society and presented as “predators” to the nation. It started slowly, with a speech in 1895, but by 1912 there was a movement, and finally in 1939 one of the most horrific escalations in history.
I wondered why no one spoke up. How people came to accept the unacceptable, but then it became clear. Over time they had been educated to accept the unacceptable, they had been manipulated by lies and motivated by fear. These people are taking your jobs, your lively hood, if we don’t stop them now you will have no work, your families no food. The depression confirmed the lies, what else could it be. Does this sound familiar?
In the 1925 autobiographical “Mein Kampf” Hitler openly described his intention to drive these outsiders from Germans political, intellectual and cultural life. But it wasn't until the 1933 elections that a campaign openly targeted the “outsiders” leading to a series of laws being passed to exclude the “outsiders” from key areas. And why didn't anyone do anything. Why did the world look on. Simple, it happened slowly, The outsiders were ostracized, separated by class, but this wasn't so bad, they could still prosper. Then the humiliation, The mark on the door, the taunts, no sticks and stones, no need to do anything…. yet. But then came the sticks, and the stones, the looting's, the beatings. And the genocide. Looking back I can see why the world looked on. It would make sense that a nation would not lose control, that like any functioning entity it would discover it was off track and readjust its course. But Germany was not off track, not in the eyes of its leaders and supporters.
That day in April 2003 rocked me, it made me question people, and how people on mass can be so naive, so gullible, and so dangerous. No individual, Psychopaths aside, would ever allow this to happen, yet an entire country for all intents and purposes stood idly by while hundreds of thousands of people were selected by a movement for persecution. A country stood aside until it was too late, until it was bigger than any one person and to stand up for what was right was suicide.
When I first heard about the 457 rorting it rang true, why not, the avenue is there, sure it can happen – anything is possible right. And then the numbers came out. And I thought “really”? Are there that many unscrupulous people that are aware of the 457 visa and ways to exploit it? And then the truth started coming out – “It’s an estimate” they said, “we have no figures” someone else said, “we think” (no no, we have no proof but it could happen), and the penny dropped, this was not about a visa subclass, this was about a seat in parliament.
And then it began. The very same steps that I observed in a museum in 2003 were being repeated in 2013
Step 1 Isolated a group of people
Step 2 Draw on the fears of the public
Step 3 Launch a campaign
Step 4 Change the laws to remove these outsiders
Step 5 Invoke penalties against the outsiders and their supporters
I am not naive enough to believe we are heading for genocide, not in the luck country, but I am sadly able to see a parallel between the CMFEU’s campaign, and what I observed in a small museum in 2003. I am not saying the 457 program is perfect. But it certainly shouldn't be a platform to vilify an entire class of people. My hope, those that take what they see on the TV as gospel, the jaded Australians, the unemployed, the unemployable, the Australians that can’t seem to get a break, that these Australians see this for what it is. As political platform. That 457 holders are not targeted as individuals, that everybody stays safe while common-sense finds its rightful place in our country.
Best Regards,
Scott Walker | Director & Registered Migration Agent 1067594
Active Migration Australia Pty Ltd
Suite 7, 10 Whipple Street, Balcatta 6021
P: 08 9447 2226 F: 08 6102 1919
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.activemigration.com.au
Please encourage all 457 workers who believe they are being vilified because of their immigrant status to complain to the Australian Human Rights Commission using this link. (Scroll down on page and choose 'Online Complaint Form' - pdf smart form). Do not let your 457 clients be vilified because of their immigrant status. The information being spread by the CFMEU has nothing to do with 457 visa holders or migration agents and everything to do with getting votes in thre Federal Elections. Don't let 457 workers or other temporary workers become victims of the CFMEU smear campaign.
The Human Rights commission has stated that all complaints must cover the following:
1/ The person has to be an immigrant from another country, not Australia
2/ Provide the name, address and contact details of the person complaining
3/ Complainants may wish to choose 'YES' they have an advocate and put 'Migration Alliance' in that box and my name 'Liana Allan'. Complainants can choose to self-represent.
4/ Details of any abuse or vilification the temporary worker has been subjected to as a result of their 'immigrant status' in Australia. NB If a temporary worker believes that Dave Noonan's billboards or the CFMEU smear campaigns against 457 workers or those who are not Australian vilify them then put this in the complaint.
5/ If they have been subjected to physical attacks, verbal comments or other nonverbal communication regarding their race then name the person or people or company that subjected them to this. This includes the person, employer of prospective employer.