UPDATE: Unfortunately the Cap and Cease matter has been dropped as there was not enough interest.
Latest news: Today's radio interview on ABC
Following the pre-emptive Cap and Cease strike by the Assistant Minister and the complete lack of consultation, proceedings have been commenced in the High Court challenging the legal basis of the cease and cap.
All candidates for any visa ceased or capped (ie sc176 and 475) are being invited to join the action.
Other proceedings concerning all criminal deportation and non revocation of cancellation will also commence shortly. Professional costs inclusive of the High Court filing fees are set at $5k. Any enquiries to me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Persons ceased should not ask for a refund from DIBP if they intend to fight the matter.
Christopher Levingston BA LLB
MARN 9301108
Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyer
I put on an FOI request chasing down the external consultation with stakeholders referred to in the explanatory statement underpinning the Legislative Instrument.
The reply I have received spells out what actually happened:
"I refer to our correspondence below. I have confirmed with the relevant business area that the department did not consult with external stakeholders as clarified in your email on Monday 2 November 2015:
External stakeholders means persons or organisations not in the Australian Public Service and not clients who subsequently received the cap and cease letters.
External stakeholders would include the Migration Institute of Australia, Migration alliance, NGO’s etc
On the basis that no such consultation occurred, there are no documents within the scope of that component of your request. "
So...for the record..NO EXTERNAL CONSULTATION.
I had a meeting with Counsel who told me very nicely that I was wasting my time with my Kay Patterson exparte Taylor, Ministers of State Act argument. It was one of those "novel argument" but no cigar! However, the good news is that "improper purpose/denial of procedural fairness" has reared its head so we are proceeding on that basis. Also there is an express prohibition on a representative or class action in the High Court by reason of section 486B of the Migration Act.
I am currently working on an advice to all candidates as well as a fee agreement under the uniform law which will allow us to proceed.
Dear Colleagues and potential candidates.
We are ready to proceed and I have been sending out letters of offer to form the relevant "class".
If anyone wants to received a letter of offer can you please email me and request one. Please use the header "Cap and Cease"
My email address is: Christopher@levingston.com.au
Dear Mr Levingston,
If I have not joined a legal challenge so far is it too late?
If there is a court decision over turning Sentaor Cash's ruling what happens to applicants who may not have joined a legal challenge?
Also, if we request the department to refund our application fee then even if a decision to overrule the cap and cease decision gets made then those of us that withdrew the money and therefore without a valid application may end up not receiving anything isn't it,
Over to your thoughts.
Thanks and regards ,
Aur Batao
If you want to see a letter of offer....it is not too late.
Please send me an email and I will send you a formal letter of offer.
I will be away from Sydney for 2 weeks as I am running a criminal trial in Melbourne. I will try my best to attend to any outstanding request for letters of offer...but it will probably take a few days. My email address is christopher@levingston.com.au
No update till now