Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers.
The ACS Head of Policy and External Affairs Adam Redman has expressed his concern regarding employers abusing the 457 scheme. Migration Alliance supports the statements made by Mr Redman.
There are now ongoing daily reports of more and more victims (read comments) associated with Eddy Kang and Singapore Oil's alleged "fake 457 scam". International students in Australia report here their first-hand experience of been tricked into parting with large sums of money for a lucrative position sponsored by an Australian company and obtaining a 457 visa.
An action group was established last night in Sydney with the first 20 victim members discussing a plan of action to fix their status problems, get their money back and seek justice. It is reported that migration agents and solicitors may be part of the victims group. The Office of the MARA's Helen Sun has already received one warning regarding investigation techniques used in relation to one alleged migration agent victim, Mr Ali. The Office of the MARA has also been accused of sitting on it's hands and doing nothing when reports were made. A full investigation will determine whether the Office of the MARA even picked up a phone to report the problem to DIAC.
Given the DIAC and the Office of the MARA are one and the same organisation there really can be no excuse from the Office of the MARA if they indeed, did nothing. We would like to think that our regulator took reasonable steps to protect consumers and agents when reports were made. And those reports were definitely made.
If you are a victim and would like to report your story please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
. Details of the next 'Victims of Eddy Kang' meeting will be published shortly.
very interesting article.