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The ATO have asked Migration Alliance to distribute the following information:

"To Migration Alliance, 

I work in the Public Relations team at the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and I am contacting you today to inform you about a series of education sessions on tax obligations for foreign investors. We are running these sessions in response to community feedback, and would like to extend an invitation to any members of your association who would be interested. 

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You may not have known it but yesterday, March 20th was the “International Day of Happiness”, a United Nations project where thousands of people all around the world took part in various activities to support the event which had the motto, "I will try to create more happiness in the world around me".

Ahead of celebrations of the world happiness day, the UN released its latest  World Happiness Report which ranked the happiest countries in the world. According to the report, measuring happiness is much better than measuring GDP, health, education, and other aspects of human life. The overall subjective feeling of happiness can impact the life of a person in so many ways, the report noted.

“The widespread interest in the World Happiness Reports, of which this is the fourth, reflects growing global interest in using happiness and subjective well-being as primary indicators of the quality of human development,” the World Happiness Report Update 2016 read.

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What is the correct interpretation of Public Interest Criterion 4020? 

Suppose a “bogus document” has been submitted to a relevant skills assessment authority, and that authority then issues a skills assessment based on that document. 

Does that mean that PIC 4020 has been engaged, and that your client's application is “dead on arrival”? 

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Migration Alliance is in receipt of the following information from the ACT Government:


Dear Agents

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A senate committee report entitled, “National Disgrace: The Exploitation of Temporary Work Visa Holders” has effectively recommended an overhaul of the sc457 visa programme proposing some 33 changes.

During the senate hearings, senators were repeatedly told labour hire companies used the threat of deportation to deter exploited workers from complaining about their pay or conditions, according to a report on the ABC.

Several recommendations seek to address this, including ensuring those who approach the Department of Immigration with complaints are dealt with in a 'victim-centric' manner and given a safe space to voice their complaints.

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