What you can do to help close the gender gap
Today, 8 March 2016, is International Women’s day – the day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Undoubtedly, Australia has a lot to celebrate but it’s a day, to remind all how much more needs to be done to achieve gender equality in Australia and around the world.
The theme this year is “Pledge for Parity.” Writing in the Huffingpost, Sadhana Smiles the CEO of Harcourts Victoria, Founder of Links Fiji, author and public speaker says, “A lack of diversity in gender and/or race means that we are stifling our innovation, creativity and thinking, as well as the important cultural nuances of doing business offshore. Consider what impact will this have on business long term.”
In her article, the former Telstra Woman of the Year, points out some of the glaring issues facing women in Australia today: