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A survey of almost 4000 people in these four Commonwealth nations, has found that there is massive support for a European Union-style system of free movement between these countries.

Seventy per cent of Australians were in favour of the idea of the ‘migration bloc’ with only one in ten opposed. Support was stronger among Canadians (75 per cent), New Zealanders (82 per cent) and people under the age of 35.

Tim Hewish, author of the report and director of policy and research at the Royal Commonwealth Society, told The Guardian that there was clearly “immense support” from Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders for the freedom to live and work in the UK.

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Regulatory reforms are supposed to make life easier, not harder.  Cutting red tape is part of this government's agenda. 

That’s right, isn’t it? 

Will that be the case if “dual regulation” of lawyers is ended, as recommended by the “Kendall Report” concerning the “Independent Review of the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority”? 

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Are you thinking of applying for a visa for employment, residence or study in another country where the language spoken is different from your own language? Are you confused by the visa requirements and worried about whether you are doing the right thing and whether your application could be rejected because you have made a mistake?

For worry free migration applications the best suggestion is to use a migration agent. These professionals know their own immigration rules inside out and understand what you need to provide to support a visa application. Using a registered and approved migration agent means you can relax and let all the responsibility for presenting your visa application with the agent rather than spend hours trying to do it yourself.

One of the advantages of using a migration agent is that they can provide you with a reasonable idea whether your visa application is likely to be successful. Most immigration authorities these days demand that you pay a fee for a visa application. This is usually not returnable, so if your application is refused for some reason, then you not only have wasted your time, but you also lose your money. A migration agent will prevent these sorts of errors from occurring.

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I just received the following message and image from an RMA, who says that she normally gets an acknowledgement letter within 2-4 days:
"Hi Liana
I was wondering is it just me having this issue. I submitted a Partner Visa yesterday and have not received acknowledgement. I get the following response on the website. The Clients visa runs out today and just want to send the acknowledgement letter to them.
Can you or the others shed any light on this?
Many Thanks


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From today, Chinese nationals can pay an additional $1000 to have their visa applications for a Visitor visa in either the Tourist or Business Visitor stream, fast-tracked.

As part of a trial to speed-up visa-processing for those who need to travel to Australia on short-notice and can afford to pay for the priority-processing, the department of immigration has announced that it will start fast-tracking such applications but did not commit to a minimum processing timeframe.

The department of immigration says there is no regulatory requirement that the application be decided by a particular timeframe despite the promise of priority processing and accepting the payment of $1000.

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