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Update From Immigraton South Australia

South Australian Immigration has relesed the following update:

The Government of South Australia has been advised of a limited number of interim allocation places for the State’s General Skilled and Business Migration Program for 2020/21, which will be prioritised to support South Australia’s economic and public health recovery.

The full nomination allocations for 2020/21 will be determined later in the year as part of the 2020/21 Budget process.

Given the limited number of available nominations, South Australia’s program requirements and application processes for the General Skilled and Business Programs are currently being finalised, with a view to applications being open in late August 2020.

Based on direction from the Department of Home Affairs, applications will be prioritised according to:

High quality applications within the Business Innovation and Investment Program, with those who have already lodged an ‘Intention to Apply’ given priority consideration.
Applicants critical to supporting South Australia’s response to the COVID19 pandemic, including individuals providing critical or specialist medical services, critical skills required to maintain the supply of essential goods and services; or delivering services in sectors critical to Australia’s economic recovery.
Early consideration to onshore applicants that satisfy the above criteria.
Further guidance will be available on this website next week.

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  • Guest
    Sandeep Kaur Thursday, 13 August 2020

    Dear Ruslan-Ahmadzai,

    Thanks for sharing such a piece of informative news this will help us to get nominations from SA but please share your google id and password so I can view the official news which you've received from SA.


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