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Solicitor specialising in corporate immigration.Registered Migration AgentSpecialities: Migration Law, Employer Compliance in Immigration, Business Stream Visas, Family and Partner Visas, CPD Training.

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With a significant slowdown in General Skilled Migration, there is a significant rise of interest in the Global Talent Independent (GTI) visa program. This program aimed to attract qualified professionals to work and live permanently in Australia. Recently GTI merged into a single subclass 858 visa, aiming to address impracticalities such as inability to apply for this visa within Australia in some instances as well as the need to depart Australia for grant of the visa.

In terms of the candidates, the program seeks to attract individuals in sectors working in cyber security, energy and mining technology, space and advanced manufacturing, data science and ICT, among others.

What makes the GTI program so interesting?

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The Department of Home Affairs confirmed on their website that it will no longer be accepting applications for Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124).  This visa is designed for individuals to apply for permanent residency directly or via invitation through SkillSelect.  The primary criteria for grant of the visa is for the applicant to be outside Australia at the time of grant.

What does this mean for those wishing to lodge a new Distinguished Talent Visa Application?

Those applicants wishing to access the Distinguished Talent Visa via the Standard Stream or the Global Talent Independent Stream will need to lodge an application for Subclass (858) Distinguished Talent Visa.

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According to the latest data available via the SkillSelect Dashboard, there are 710 Expressions of Interest applications pending for the State of South Australia for 132 Significant Business History and 132 Venture Capital Entrepreneur Business Visas.

Whilst the State continues to operate on interim allocations, this is a timely reminder for existing and new 132 visa holders to ensure they adhere to the State’s strict monitoring and compliance rules.

Business migrants seeking nomination for a Business Talent subclass 132 visa must meet both state and Department of Home Affairs requirements. State and Australian Government requirements are different for each stream.

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As our readers may be aware, the Department of Home Affairs announced an additional step for TSS nominations, requiring employers to utilise an additional platform “jobactive” to satisfy Labour Market Testing component of the nomination application.  Whilst the introduction of this additional requirement was not applied retrospectively, the requirement is applicable to all nominations lodged on or after 1 October 2020.

What is jobactive?

According the to the website (, the platform allows employers as well as job seekers to digitally connect.  Employers are able to browse through eligible candidates and job seekers are able to view available jobs.  The service is free to both employers as well as job seekers.

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Traveling to and from Australia remains a burdensome process.  Practitioners as well as visa holders struggle with the process of securing successful travel exemptions to facilitate travel.

What is a travel exemption?              

Australia has strict border measures in place to protect the health of the Australian community. Very limited flights are currently available to and from Australia and you may not be able to travel at this time. Travel restrictions are subject to change. Please check back regularly. See: National Cabinet media statement.

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