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Stricter security checks but borders will not be closed to refugees after Paris attacks

Calls from the likes of  Nationals MP Andrew Fraser to close Australian borders to refugees have been rejected by immigration minister Peter Dutton, who has however warned that tougher security checks will be in place and result in lengthy delays to the processing of refugees.

On Friday, at least 7 Islamist terrorists carried out co-ordinated attacks across Paris which claimed 129 lives and injured at least 400 more. It has been reported that a Syrian passport used by the holder to enter Greece as a refugee, was found near the body of one of the Paris suicide bombers, raising concerns that terrorist cells are lurking among the migrants now flooding into Europe. 

Australian diplomats in the middle-east have been instructed to tighten checks on applicants seeking to enter Australia as terrorist cells may be lurking among those claiming refuge in Australia.

Immigration minister says the attacks on Paris over the weekend has necessarily required stricter checks on refugees as there are false documents and passports circulating in refugee camps.

"We are not going to rush this process," Mr Dutton told the Seven Network on Monday. "If it means that the timeline is blown out ... that will be a consequence of it. We need to make sure we know who is coming to our country," he said

The minister said that the biometrics of refugees will be checked with intelligence agencies in other countries to minimise the threat.

Mr Dutton rejected calls from some quarters that Australia needed to close its borders completely to refugees, pointing out that as an island Australia faced a different situation to Europe.

NSW Nationals MP Andrew Fraser has called for tougher border control.

"Message to Malcolm Turnbull: Australia does not need Middle Eastern refugees or Islamic boat people!" the state MP wrote on Facebook.

"Close our borders. We have enough anarchists already resident in Australia.”

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  • Guest
    Bea Leoncini Monday, 16 November 2015

    There's nothing like a terrorist event to bring up the Us and Them mentality, as if the maladies of the world were caused by Middle Eastern Refugees or Islamic Boat People, as if it were so simple. Elected officials must show leadership at time like this, not lead by misinformation and fear mongering... Not having a good time at the moment, with children living right in the middle of Paris as this happens :(

  • Guest
    Dan Ben Monday, 16 November 2015

    Andrew Fraser is right. The influx of Lebanese refugees in the 1970s and 1980s has brought nothing to south-west Sydney but increased crime and the looming threat of another terrorist attack. The same will apply to the Syrian refugees as well. Close the borders now!

  • Guest
    RIGHT WING - CLOSE THE BORDERS Monday, 16 November 2015

    Not all muslims are terrorists but ain't it a fact that in the year 2015, across the world, all terrorists are muslims. There's no getting away from the fact.

    Now for the demonstration against terrorism from mainstream muslims across the world. Let's see you all march together out of your mosques to demand a stop to terrorism in the name of Allah?

    Where are you all? Hello ..............

  • Christopher Levingston
    Christopher Levingston Tuesday, 17 November 2015

    I love the reference to "anarchists".
    Perhaps the Honourable member slipped over in the bath and banged his head or more likely fell off his horse.
    Security and other checks including liaison with overseas intelligence agencies should help the sorting of the sheep from the goats.
    A knee jerk reaction is not what is needed now. Clearly the exodus from Syria does provide pretty good cover for identity fraud and a means to enter countries like Australia.
    I am certain that any male over the age of 12 is going to be the subject of pretty thorough profiling before any visas are granted.
    DNA testing is also likely to catch out any would be "hitchhiker" from being able to successfully claim to be a member of the family unit.
    I don't think it is possible to lump all refugees from Syria into the Muslim = terror category. There are plenty of law abiding Muslims who adhere to and support the rule of law, rat bags are present in every community, including home grown rat bags. As an Australian citizen all I want to see is that everyone gets a fair go and that all people in Australia are given the benefit of the doubt. If our hospitality is abused there is plenty of power to cancel a visa.

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