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Sample Cap and Cease email and attachment letter from DIBP

This is a sample of what to expect if you or your client is caught in the Cap and Cease pool of persons.  Below is a sample email and attachment from the DIBP with client identifiers removed:

"This email regarding your application is automatically generated.

As this email is an automated notification we are unable to receive replies. Please do not respond to this email address.

If you wish to contact us in Australia you can call 131 881 between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday. Details on contacting our offices outside Australia are available on our website.

Dear xxxxx YYYYYY

You have been authorised to receive correspondence on behalf of the applicant(s) listed below.

Client Name

Date of Birth

Please see the attached information.


We prefer contact with this office concerning your application to be by email. We try to respond to all email enquiries within seven (7) working days. If you do not have access to email or need to contact us urgently, details on contacting our offices are available on our website.

Yours sincerely

Department of Immigration and Border Protection

This email and attachment(s) was sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "


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  • Alan-Collett
    Alan-Collett Wednesday, 23 September 2015

    DIBP webpage on the subject ...

    Hey ho.

  • Juan Fernando-Cachola
    Juan Fernando-Cachola Wednesday, 23 September 2015

    They make it looks easy and simple to explain to clients who waited for years, don't they? Cap and cease is just an excuse for inefficency and lack of honor and for having 5 prime ministers in 5 years. I call on the current Prime Minister Turnbull to revoke this latest cap and cease. Most applicants affected are no longer young and they can no longer apply for any skilled migration because of their age. Guess what, the sponsors of the affected applicants are mostly Australian citizens. They can cap and cease the current government next election.

  • Christopher Levingston
    Christopher Levingston Thursday, 24 September 2015

    If you read the expalnatory memorandum reference is made to the fact of their having been consultation with stake holders. i wonder who those stake holders far as I am aware there were no consultations. This is very concerning as it means that DIBP has not been truthful with the Assistant Minister or the Australian people. These arrangements must have been "in the system" for many months whilst DIBP agonised over the wording of the legislative instrument. In the real world this would have taken about 25 minutes. The decision to cease and cap only serves to highlight that DIBP does as it pleases. Whenever you want them to do something they never do it, whenever you don't want them to do something they will always do it. It is an embarrassment and undermines the reputation and integrity of the migration programme.

  • Guest
    Prashant Thursday, 24 September 2015

    Is there any protest - a formal petition being logged. I want to join as well. I am Australian Citizen and sponsored my brother's application back in 2008. He is in waiting for last 8 years. And now this Cap & cease. This is unfair. And I want to formally voice alongwith those who are in similar boat like me.

  • Guest
    Aye Myat Thu Thursday, 24 September 2015

    I have just received a mail and it does disappointed me so much. I have lodged my application back in August 2009, and been waiting for 6 years. We have wasted so much energy, hope and time on it and all we get back is THIS! They have been welcoming all those unskilled asylum and spending so much money on them and treated skilled migrants people like us in this way shows Australian laws is so unfair and injustice.

  • Guest
    RTS Friday, 25 September 2015

    You pay an Agent upfront for them to lodge a visa application. The Agent states that the application will be lodged within the next 6 months. The Agent later states that they are now busy on other people’s applications and do not know when your application will be lodged. You will just need to wait indefinitely. 5 years later you are told that they no longer lodge your type of applications. You now have no other visa options. No compensation is offered. The Agent tells you that you may be able to claim a refund of some of the costs paid (not the skills assessment, English tests, Police clearances, medicals, etc.), but only if you submit additional forms and provide the original proof of payment, of the money that you PAID THEM!
    If an Agent pulled such a stunt they would, quite rightly, have their registration cancelled.
    This behaviour would not be allowed or tolerated in any commercial environment.
    Let’s remember that these are skilled applicants.

  • Christopher Levingston
    Christopher Levingston Friday, 25 September 2015

    Yep this is all very disappointing

  • Guest
    guest Wednesday, 14 October 2015

    The prints on some visa receipts are no longer readable due to years of being stacked in an unopened file.

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