Heading the panel will be Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox who called for an end to the "rabid debate" over the alleged exploitation of foreign workers after being appointed to head the Abbott government's advisory panel on skilled migration.
Speaking to The Australian, Mr Willox said the previous council became bogged down in a "quite a destructive discussion" about 457 visa workers.
"We need to shift the debate," he said. "We had a rabid debate through 2012-13 on the whole issue of skilled migration and we need to shift the agenda a bit to have a holistic view around skilled migration's role in the overall skills mix, how it fits in with the training agenda and what the needs of business are, both in the short and long term," he said.
Mr Willox said he believed there were adequate safeguards currently to ensure any abuse of foreign workers could be detected and acted upon.
Explaining the rationale for the selection, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash said the new council would "better meet industries" and Australia's needs in the skilled migration space, as the government has taken into consideration visa reviews and recommendations to guide us in putting together a panel.
"One of the first tasks of the panel will be to review the composition of the consolidated sponsored occupations list, with a view to increasing the productivity contribution of sponsored migration," she said in a media statement.
The first meeting of MACSM will be held in Sydney on 19 June 2015.
MACSM members of the Council are:
http://www.marsgraduates.com.au/marspetcare.aspx Mars Petcare folks .........
About time. Too much emphasis on "Job Outlook and "experts" who really have little concept of the real needs that Australian businesses have.
Now we need to educate the IMMI decision makers in understanding the businesses they so often refuse with value judgements like "improbable" "unlikely" etc
Often IMMI decisionmakers simple solution is to include a MRT infoshert with their "refusal" - presumably having little idea if what damage it makes by refusing a $30 million company simply because that company offers 4times above the "IMMI" $$$ norm for what to the company is a critical appointment.
Companies hire for talent and associated contribution. Not based on matching competitor salaries or roles to satisfy some policy promoting officer.
About time positions are looked at regard to the corporate demands if this century.
Just a few thoughts to rant about!!
Sylvia Burbery of Mars Petcare...............