Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers.
Migration Alliance has a petition running. We are petitioning Scott Morrison MP and Michaelia Cash MP to stop accepting visa applications from unregistered persons.
This petition is about preventing unregistered persons from being able to lodge Australian visa applications on behalf of visa applicants will protect those vulnerable applicants and give them the best chance of success at visa applications to Australia. Stopping unregistered practitioners from lodging visa applications would prevent fraud, prevent immigration scams and stop criminal entrepreneurs. Stopping the receipt of visa applications from unregistered persons and only accepting applications from Registered Migration Agents would also decrease processing times within the DIBP.
The integrity of Australia's borders is paramount.
The only way we are going to get change is to advocate as a profession for change. One voice.
Please sign the petition.
I just signed the petition so if my one signature could make a difference to the unsuspecting visa applicant wasting their hard earned or borrowed money to unscrupulous unregistered migration, the minute or so I did in putting my name down is worth it. I urge others to do the same and sign the petition because by weeding out this unregistered migration, we are also protecting the integrity and trustworthiness of our profession.