HAWKE: Migration (Class of persons for Visitor (Class FA) visa nil VAC) Amendment Instrument (LIN 21/033) 2021
The purpose of the instrument is to clarify the types of former Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa (Subclass 600 visa) holders who can apply for a new Subclass 600 visa with a nil visa application charge (VAC) where their travel to Australia has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under subparagraph 1236(2)(a)(iv) of Schedule 1 to the Migration Regulations, the Minister may specify a class of persons who are applicants with a nil VAC amount for Visitor (Class FA) visas, which includes Subclass 600 visas. The instrument amends LIN 21/021 to clarify the applicants for a Subclass 600 visa who are in a class of person for a nil VAC.
Source: LIN21033.pdf and LIN21033-Explanatory-Statement.pdf