As a leading professional services firm, KPMG Australia (KPMG) is committed to meeting the requirements of all our stakeholders – not only the organisations we audit and advise, but also employees, governments, regulators and the wider community.
We strive to contribute to the debate that is shaping the Australian economy and welcome the opportunity to provide a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration’s Inquiry into Australia’s Skilled Migration Program (the Inquiry). Australian businesses are feeling acute labour shortages in areas historically filled by temporary visa holders that have been restricted from entry due to border closures.
Shortages have been more pronounced in agriculture, tourism and hospitality sectors, and especially in regional Australia. There have been some temporary schemes to facilitate entry of seasonal and pacific work visa holders, but more could be done, and we would like to see a wider package of concessions be developed to help address the immediate shortfall of workers in regional Australia.