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The following email was received from the Department of Home Affairs:

Following the presentation to Migration Alliance members from the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Global Business and Talent Attraction, please find attached a document detailing the role of Business Industry and Regional Outreach Officers (BIROs).

Source: Role-and-details-of-BIROs.pdf

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The Morrison Government today announced that owing to the ongoing unrest in Myanmar, Myanmar nationals currently in Australia on temporary visas may apply to extend their stay until it is safe to return home. The Australian Government will be writing to all Myanmar citizens temporarily in Australia with further advice on how to remain lawful in Australia.

The Government has expressed Australia’s condemnation of the ongoing violence in Myanmar. Today’s announcement of support is consistent with Australia’s international obligations. A range of options may be available to suit individual circumstances, including the grant of new visas. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke MP said today’s announcement would enable affected individuals to remain in Australia until the situation in Myanmar improves.

“This measure provides a means for Myanmar citizens in Australia to remain here until it is safe for them to return home,” Minister Hawke said.

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The purpose of the instrument is to clarify the types of former Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa (Subclass 600 visa) holders who can apply for a new Subclass 600 visa with a nil visa application charge (VAC) where their travel to Australia has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under subparagraph 1236(2)(a)(iv) of Schedule 1 to the Migration Regulations, the Minister may specify a class of persons who are applicants with a nil VAC amount for Visitor (Class FA) visas, which includes Subclass 600 visas.  The instrument amends LIN 21/021 to clarify the applicants for a Subclass 600 visa who are in a class of person for a nil VAC.

Source: LIN21033.pdf and LIN21033-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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The purpose of the instrument is to determine the maximum number of visas that may be granted for certain classes of visas in the financial year from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. The instrument covers the following visa classes (with item numbers referring to items in Schedule 1 of the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Migration Regulations)):

Contributory Parent classes of visas

a. Contributory Parent (Migrant) (Class CA) visa (item 1130)

b. Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) (Class DG) visa (item 1130A)

c. Contributory Parent (Temporary) (Class UT) visa (item 1221)

d. Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) (Class UU) visa (item 1221A).

Parent classes of visas

a. Parent (Migrant) (Class AX) visa (item 1124)

b. Aged Parent (Residence) (Class BP) visa (item 1124A).

Other Family classes of visas

a. Other Family (Migrant) (Class BO) visa (item 1123A)

b. Other Family (Residence) (Class BU) visas (item 1123B).

The instrument determines the maximum number of visas for these visa classes as follows:

a. Contributory Parent visas: 3,600 (which includes 125 visas under the Pathway to Permanent Residence for Retirees that was introduced under the Migration Amendment (Pathway to Permanent Residence for Retirees) Regulations 2018)

b. Parent visas: 900

c. Other Family visas: 500.

Source: LIN21025.pdf and LIn21025-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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Migration SA has updated the processing times for Skilled Migration nomination applications:

  • Critical sector occupations: 2 - 6 weeks
  • All other applications: 8 - 10 weeks


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