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Quiz time! 

That’s right! Just because everyone is stumbling back to work from the long weekend, there is no excuse for not answering! Not even if you are a loyal follower of the Western Bulldogs or the Cronulla Sharks and are seriously hung over from too much celebrating! (As for myself, I remain “clueless” about both rugby and AFL after nearly 15 years in Australia, but at least I deserve some credit for being (vaguely!!!!) aware that the Bulldogs and Sharks both won their Grand Finals (thanks only to SBS!)). 

And if my poor son has to suffer through the HSC exams in the next few weeks, then the least that could happen is that the migration profession should be subjected to this quiz, right!!  

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How can you figure out if the Tribunal has committed a jurisdictional error, and that your client has good prospects of success if you seek judicial review in the Federal Circuit Court? 

Read tea leaves? Consult a Ouija Board, a fortune teller or a crystal ball? Buy an “8” Ball? Seek guidance from Donald Trump’s debate advisers? OK, from Hillary’s advisers? Email Christopher Levingston? 

It ain’t always so easy to know!!! 

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There are times when the fate of a visa application can turn on a seemingly complex or obscure legal question. 

This is equally true in the case of an application for judicial review of a decision by the Tribunal to affirm the refusal of an application: fine points of law can and do make a difference. 

And there are times where the failure of the Tribunal to comply with the requirements of section 359A of the Act to give an applicant “clear particulars of any information that the Tribunal considers would be the reason, or part of the reason, for affirming the decision that is under review”,  and to give the applicant an opportunity to comment or respond to the information, can prompt a Court to conclude that the Tribunal has committed jurisdictional error, such that the Tribunal’s decision is “quashed” or overturned.  

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Migration Alliance held it's AGM today at 2:18pm AEST at Level 1, 73 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000.

During the AGM today, the board nominated and elected the following positions.

Convenor: Michael Arch (American-Australian)

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The Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Alex Hawke, has issued a media release which states that the Turnbull Government intends to introduce a new "temporary sponsored parent visa" in 2017.

According to the media release, the new visa will allow "Australians" (presumably the typical formula of citizens, permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens?) to sponsor their parents to stay in Australia for up to 5 years.

To which one can only say: "About time!" and "Hallelujah!!!!"

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