No Proper Consideration: Haste Unravels Visa Cancellation Decision!

In yesterday’s article, concerning the decision of the Federal Court in Ogama v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, I noted that it surely appears that the Department has an ongoing “cottage industry” involving the cancellation of visas on character grounds.
Well, when you read the case reports from the Federal Courts on Austlii, it looks like there is more than a “cottage industry”! The visa cancellations on character grounds are being churned out by the Department at a rapid rate, it seems at times as quickly as Apple is churning out iPhones!
And, as the recent case of Burgess v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2018)FCA 69 (12 February 2018) illustrates, it seems that a particular target of the visa cancellation “compliance programme” is visa holders who have had involvement with “outlaw motorcycle gangs”.