Trouble In Paradise Part 2: Unlawful Non-citizen's Partner Visa Application Fails!
As a lawyer, I have often found that I can learn a whole lot more by reading cases where “things went wrong” than cases where “everything went swimmingly” and someone “routinely” won their case.
The cases where problems caused someone to lose in court can teach us a lot about the types of issues that can cause a visa application to fail. And so if we know about those problems, hopefully we can avoid them when we deal with our own cases. Or at least figure out if there’s any guidance we can give our clients to help them mitigate the problems with their applications, and improve their chances of getting a visa. Or at least be able to advise our clients about the potential pitfalls or “landmines” in their cases, so they can know about the possible risk they face and make an informed judgment about whether they want to go ahead with the application notwithstanding the risks.
In this regard, a recent case from the Federal Circuit Court – Zaoud v Minister for Immigration & Anor (2015) FCCA 3138 (25 November 2015) – makes for useful reading.