Federal Court Decision on Genuineness of 457 Nominations!
Readers of this blog may be aware that in the weekly newsletter that our sister organization, the Migration Institute of Australia, released on 24 February, it reported that it was receiving a large number of complaints from RMAs that nominations of occupations for 457 visas are being refused on the basis that the position for which the sponsoring employer has nominated is “not genuine”.
It is therefore timely to review a recent decision of the Federal Court of Australia that dealt with the question of how the “genuineness” of a position is to be determined. That case was Cargo First Pty Ltd v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2016) FCA 30 (3 February 2016).
(I would like to note that our colleague at the Migration Alliance, Chris Levingston, acted for the sponsoring company in these proceedings at the Federal Circuit Court level, and thus presumably also before the Federal Court!)