It is so incredibly important for a person who wishes to remain in Australia to lodge a valid application with the Department for a new substantive visa before their original visa expires.
If a visa holder allows her/his visa to “expire” before applying for a new, or “further” visa, they may find themselves in a position where they and their family members have no choice but to leave Australia and then apply for the new visa from “offshore”. Of course, the visa holder and her/his family may suffer from substantial inconvenience and upheaval if they have to go offshore to make another application. Not to mention that they may have to “wait” offshore for an indeterminate period of time while the Department assesses the application.
For these reasons, it is also essential that a person must take an active role in safeguarding her/his visa entitlements, and not passively hand the process of applying for a further substantive visa to “someone else”.