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Subscribe to this list via RSS Blog posts tagged in Australia Sanctions Zimbabwe Regulations Autonomous Sanctions 2023 Financial Sanctions Travel Bans Foreign Policy Updates Democracy Protection Human Rights Compliance Rule of Law in Zimbabwe Australian Government Measures Global Concerns Response Migratio

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Important news regarding sanctions for Zimbabwe! The Australian Government is making changes through the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons—Zimbabwe) Amendment (No. 1) Instrument 2023.

Background: Autonomous sanctions are non-military measures imposed by a government in response to global concerns. In this case, it's about situations in Zimbabwe affecting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

What's Changing: The Australian Government has regulations, and this change focuses on proscribing people or entities for financial sanctions or travel bans related to Zimbabwe. The Minister for Foreign Affairs can designate or declare someone if they've seriously undermined democracy, human rights, or the rule of law in Zimbabwe.

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