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Migration (Required Medical Assessment) Amendment Instrument (LIN 24/032) 2024

New Amendment to Migration Regulations: Mandatory Hepatitis B Testing for Certain Visa Applicants

The Australian Government has issued the Migration (Required Medical Assessment) Amendment Instrument (LIN 24/032) 2024, set to commence on 1 July 2024. This amendment introduces mandatory hepatitis B testing for specific visa applicants and clarifies the requirements for provisional visas.

Key Highlights:

  • Mandatory Hepatitis B Testing: Applicants over 15 years of age, born in high hepatitis B risk countries, must undergo mandatory hepatitis B testing as part of their medical assessment requirements.

  • Provisional Visas Clarification: The amendment defines 'provisional visa' to include temporary visas that are part of a two-stage process towards permanent residency. Medical assessment requirements for provisional visa applicants are now aligned with those for permanent visa applicants.

  • Continuity of Existing Provisions: IMMI 15/144 continues to apply for applications made before 18 March 2018, maintaining the requirements of Public Interest Criterion (PIC) 4006A.

Consultation: Extensive external consultations were conducted with various health organisations and government departments to ensure the amendment's effectiveness and relevance.

Implementation: The amendment ensures that the legislative framework for visa medical assessments remains current and comprehensive, supporting Australia's public health objectives.

For more information, please visit the Department of Home Affairs’ website.

#MigrationRegulations #HealthAssessment #HepatitisBTesting #VisaApplicants #PublicHealth #ImmigrationLaw #Australia

This update is essential for RMAs and visa applicants to understand the new health assessment requirements and ensure compliance.

Source: LIN24032.pdf and LIN24032-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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