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Migration Amendment (Strengthening Reporting Protections) Regulations 2024

The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Reporting Protections) Regulations 2024 aims to enhance protections for temporary migrant workers by preventing visa cancellations related to workplace exploitation matters.

Effective from 1 July 2024, these amendments prescribe circumstances in which the visa of an affected temporary migrant worker must not be cancelled and outline matters the Minister must consider before deciding on visa cancellations.

The regulations seek to provide greater clarity and confidence to temporary migrants, encouraging them to report exploitation without fear of losing their visa status. The amendments form part of broader reforms aimed at addressing migrant worker exploitation and ensuring compliance with workplace laws.

To learn more and stay updated with the latest changes, visit our website. We have CPD sessions running in early July covering all these new regulations.

Source: Migration-Amendment-Strengthening-Reporting-Protections-Regulations-2024.pdf and Migration-Amendment-Strengthening-Reporting-Protections-Regulations-2024-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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