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Pacific Engagement (Subclass 192) visa ballot

Introducing the Pacific Engagement Visa Initiative

The Australian Government is poised to bolster permanent migration from the Pacific and Timor-Leste through the innovative Pacific Engagement Visa. This initiative aims to expand the diaspora within Australia, fortify interpersonal connections, and foster an enhanced exchange in culture, business, and education.

Annually, this program will award up to 3,000 visas to individuals from Pacific island nations via a ballot system, allowing them the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in Australia. This approach is meticulously crafted in partnership with governments and communities from the Pacific and Timor-Leste to align with mutual interests and goals, contributing to a harmonious and thriving Pacific family.

Prospective applicants will be able to submit their applications online through the Department of Home Affairs upon the opening of the ballot.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Commencement of the Pacific Engagement Visa Ballot: Scheduled to start in 2024, following the finalization of legislative and administrative frameworks and after consultation with Pacific and Timor-Leste governments on the finalized arrangements.

About the Pacific Engagement Visa: A novel permanent residency visa for nationals of participating Pacific and Timor-Leste countries, promoting the growth of the diaspora in Australia and encouraging broader cultural, business, and educational exchanges.

Participating Countries: Focus is on nations with limited permanent migration opportunities to Australia and those lacking citizenship rights with New Zealand, France, and the United States. Eligible countries are under consultation with the Australian Government.

Country Allocations: Determined based on factors such as population size, existing diaspora in Australia, current migration opportunities, and demand, along with the views of participating countries.

Eligibility for the Visa: Primary applicants must be aged 18 to 45, selected through the ballot, secure a formal job offer in Australia, meet language, character, and health requirements, possess a passport from a participating country, and have relevant national or parental birthplace connections. The application can include partners and dependents.

Ballot Process: An electronic random selection method, with selected individuals then eligible to apply for the visa, demonstrating compliance with all necessary criteria.

Costs: A $25 fee for ballot entry. Unselected registrants must reapply for future ballots. Selected applicants must cover the visa application charge.

Living and Working in Australia: Visa recipients will have the freedom to reside, work, and study anywhere in Australia without restrictions.

Settlement Support: The program includes assistance for employment, healthcare, education, and family benefits, ensuring a smooth transition for new residents.

This initiative symbolises Australia's commitment to strengthening ties with Pacific nations and Timor-Leste, offering a pathway for permanent residency and engagement with the Australian community.

For more information: 

Source: pev-differs-palm-factsheet.pdf

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