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Migration (Code of Behaviour for Public Interest Criterion 4022) Instrument (LIN 24/031) 2024

The Migration (Code of Behaviour for Public Interest Criterion 4022) Instrument (LIN 24/031) 2024, enacted by the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural Affairs, introduces a crucial legislative update for the Subclass 050 (Bridging (General)) visa, focusing on the Public Interest Criterion (PIC) 4022.

This instrument, effective the day following its registration and set to self-repeal on 31 March 2025, repeals the previous Code of Behaviour (IMMI 13/155) and extends its provisions for an additional 12 months to facilitate further review. The renewal aims to maintain the integrity of the migration advice profession by ensuring visa applicants adhere to a set of behaviours that reflect Australia's values.

This legislative update did not require external consultation as it mirrors the existing code, ensuring a smooth transition for stakeholders. The Office of Impact Analysis (OIA) concurred that the it would have no regulatory impacts, reaffirming the non-disruptive nature of extending the current code. Approved under clause 4.1 of Schedule 4 to the Migration Regulations 1994, this instrument underscores the Australian government's commitment to upholding high ethical standards within its migration processes, requiring certain visa applicants to sign and adhere to the specified code of behaviour.

#MigrationLaw #AustralianImmigration #EthicalStandards #PublicInterest #LegalUpdate

Source: LIN24031.pdf and LIN24031-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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