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Update to the NSW Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) Criteria and Procedures

The following information has been sent to us from the NSW government to share with members:

Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491)

Updates to our Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa nomination criteria and procedures, aimed at improving clarity and the application experience, are now available on our website.

Overview of Pathways

There are two pathways to obtain NSW nomination for the subclass 491 visa:

Pathway 1: Direct Application - Candidates with an established work history with a regional NSW-based employer.

Pathway 2: Invitation by Investment NSW - Candidates selected by Investment NSW based on the need for their skill in NSW.

Direct Applications and Invitation Rounds

We will shortly begin accepting direct applications for 'Pathway 1' and commence invitation rounds for 'Pathway 2'.

See more:

Important Information for Healthcare Professionals

Before submitting your Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect, it is crucial to ensure you have the appropriate skills assessment required by the Department of Home Affairs.

Many skills-assessing authorities offer assessments that enable foreign workers to practice in Australia. However, these may differ from the skills assessments required for migration purposes.

Should you have any questions regarding the correct skills assessment for either the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) or the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491), please reach out directly to your assessing authority.

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