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Migration Amendment (Biosecurity Contravention) Regulations 2023

The Migration Amendment (Biosecurity Contravention) Regulations 2023 (the Amendment Regulations) amends the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Migration Regulations) to expand the grounds for the cancellation of visas where the Minister or a delegate reasonably believes that a visa holder has contravened provisions under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (the Biosecurity Act), to include contravention of new subsection 186A(1) of the Biosecurity Act.

The Biosecurity Act provides the regulatory framework for the management of diseases and pests entering Australia that may cause harm to human, animal or plant health or the environment. Contraventions of the Biosecurity Act pose a serious threat to Australia’s economy, agricultural sector, animal, plant, human health and the environment.

Under the Migration Amendment (Biosecurity Contraventions and Importation of Objectionable Goods) Regulations 2019, the cancellation ground under subparagraph 2.43(1)(s) was introduced. This ground gives the decision-maker the power to cancel a specified visa (visitor, student and temporary work visas) where it is reasonably believed that the holder has contravened subsections 126(2), 128(2), 532(1) or 533(1) of the Biosecurity Act. The purpose of this amendment was to strengthen compliance tools available to deter and respond to behaviour that is in contravention of Australia’s biosecurity laws.

Source: Migration-Amendment-Biosecurity-Contravention-Regs-2023.pdf and Migration-Amendment--Biosecurity-Contravention-Regulations-2023-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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