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New mobility program - Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP) - a new visa pathway for UK citizens as part of the A-UKFTA

The below information has been provided by the Free Trade Agreement Services Section within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 

The Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP) is a new visa pathway that will enable eligible UK citizens to take their next career step in Australia. Agreed under the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement, IECSEP is one of a number of outcomes under this comprehensive free trade agreement that will deepen economic ties between the two countries. 

IECSEP offers two streams: 

  • Innovation stream – stays up to three years for highly skilled and experienced innovators, working in occupations defined at the ANZSCO Skill Level 1.
  • Early Careers stream – stays for up to one year for tertiary-qualified 21-45-year-olds, who have worked a minimum three months in their current role, and working in occupations defined at the ANZSCO Skill Levels 1-3

IECSEP applicants need to have a confirmed job in Australia to be able to apply, and must remain with this employer for the duration of the visa. Applicants can undertake placements, secondments, graduate rotations or intra-company transfers between the applicant’s UK employer and any partnering Australian organisation. Alternatively, IECSEP applicants can commence a new role in Australia. Applicants who will work in regulated occupations in Australia must have current Australian occupational licencing without any conditions or restrictions. More information for applicants and prospective Australian employers is contained in the IECSEP Guidebook. 

IECSEP is a 2-year pilot. Places will be limited to 1000 in 2023-24, and a further 2000 places in 2024-25. 

IECSEP is now open for applications. The round will close on 20 November 2023. 

Applications to participate in the IECSEP will be processed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Successful applicants will be provided a letter of support by DFAT. This letter will enable the applicant to apply to the Department of Home Affairs for a Temporary Work (International Relations) subclass 403 visa (Government Agreement stream). 

Please contact DFAT at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you have questions about the IECSEP. Please contact the Department of Home Affairs if you have questions about the Temporary Work (International Relations) subclass 403 visa.

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