Business Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) in partnership with Legal Training Australia hosted a webinar for immigration professionals to discuss the outlook of business as well as skilled migration for the new financial year.
Migration Alliance brings you the following exclusive summary of the seminar for those who were unable to attend:
- Allocations for the 190 State Nominated permanent visas are exhausted for the current financial year
- Provisional subclass 491 visa remains upon
- BSMQ may open skilled migration in the new year however the quota is yet to be confirmed as the final numbers have not yet been given the approval
- It is likely that the FYI 20/21 program will commence in October 2020. There are a number of factors causing this delay, the main one being the COVID19 which has directly impact State Migration across most states
- Both occupation lists (190 and 491) are being reviewed, no further comments can be provided at this point in time
Particular points to note on the 491 Visa
- BSMQ will take a flexible approach on applicants who have been stood down as a result of COVID19 (note this is not the same as being terminated)
- The program remains open for the time being
Business Innovation and Investment Visas Program
- Allocation for this financial year is exhausted, it is anticipated to re-open in the new financial year
- Changes to the program are delayed due to COVID 19
- There will be greater focus on certain industries including manufacturing, IT, science and regional investment
Practical Tips for lodging a skilled visa application
- Ensure that you have the relevant documents (e.g. skills assessment, English language etc)
- Be familiar with the State nomination criteria which can be found here:
- All relevant documents can be downloaded through the document portal which will be provided in the invitation email – correct templates need to be used to avoid delays in processing of the applications
Further information will be published as it become available. On behalf of Migration Alliance we would like to thank BSMQ for this insightful update.
Hi Ruslan,
My name is Ju who is currently waiting for QLD 190 invitation to be opened. I have some questions regarding to this post.
You said BSMQ may open 2020/21 program in Oct. This applies to 190 and 491 ? I found on the BSMQ website that they anounced in April that they are going to open 190 in July. Their plan has been changed since then?
You said 491 visa remains opend. That means they are not going to close 491 this year?
I look forward to your reply.