- Channel 10 reports that a grandmother who spent the last 12 years in Australia is facing deportation to India after having her application refused for an Aged Parent visa. Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge said she could try to gain a Ministerial Intervention
Channel 10, 10 News First, 21/01/2020, Hugh Riminton
A grandmother who spent the last 12 years in Australia is facing deportation back to India after being refused an Aged Parent visa. [Acting] Immigration Minister Alan Tudge says he understands why she wants to stay and she could try to gain a Ministerial Intervention.
Australia is very generous with migrants. I know a lady who came here on 103 visa about 2o years ago and has been getting old age pension for about 1o. So she has cost Australian taxpayers more than $200,000 so far and counting. Never paid one cent in taxes here. I have worked here for 40 years and still am, and will not qualify for any pension or any benefits, though I paid taxes all these years.
No other country provides such generous benefits for migrants. In Germany for example you can not even get citizenship, unless you are financially stable and have a steady employment history.
My German friend lived in Australia for many years and became also citizen, at the end of his life as he had no children here, he wanted to go back to Germany to live and asked for his German citizenship back and his children had to sign that they will cover all his future living expenses in Germany before they gave him citizenship back. Here you do not have to speak language or be citizen and we lavish them with free Medicare, free pension, subsidised housing etc. No wonder we can not have budget surplus (Germany does about EURO 250 billion per year) or are able to build any infrastructure