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Eddie Kang - reports of scams and DIBP response

Migration Alliance has just received a copy of the following email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , which was also sent to many other email addresses, namely:

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"As referred to the first attachment on this email, Your (DIAC) reply says, Your correspondence has been referred to the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, as the matters raised fall within the Immigration and
Border Protection portfolio, so why this matter has been sent to fair trading, isnt this the case of DIAC. What made this case handover to fair trading after an extensive investigation, why cant immigration handle this case? Why every case related to immigration, visa, migration fraud not sent to Fair trading. Why is Edward kang so special. This case is sent to a judge where the judge cant figure out which act of immigration law had kang broken, what types of visas was Mr. kang assisting with and what fake documents had Eddie used and hence which helped Kang to jeopardize the matter. Why was kang sentenced only at 2017, when there was plenty of evidence that this man has been doing scamming andd frauding business from the heart of Australia. why every victims are to report to police if they speak against Eddie kang and tried getting the scammed money back. What was happening when Eddie kang was pleading not guilty in his 80 mount street office, why was there new victims everyday when even Eddie kang was not pleading guilty in the court; at his office. Eddie kang creates new fake company and a Director every-time, once the company has enough victims at NCAT. Why cant NCAT communicate with the court then tell whats Eddie Kang has been doing, when the case was in trail and after he has been granted bail after the court decision. What does the bail means;Does it mean you can fraud people but you have to change the Director( Not Eddie) and the business name. There are hundreds of case of fraud filed against his name and company and Director he has created from the same address.  if investigating officer sends someone with visa or anything related issues in his office,You can find it out straight away; And it does not need a extensive investigation with so hundreds of victims came forward asking for help or is not a rocket science to find it out his scamming office at 80 mount street sydney level 2 and 4. Even  former policeman Karl Konrad from Australian Immigration law services did his own investigation and found out a lot about his scamming business in just 2 weeks. its just the investigation officers are getting enough bribe cash to divert, delay and stop the investigation. otherwise there would be no more victims after that. 
Also isn't there any criteria to register any migration business ? Does not Eddie Kang has to Declare that he was bankrupt in the same scamming migration bussiness at Newzealand and other countries? And Has Eddie paid any tax for his earnings and what is his legitimate business? if not, what are the consequences of Eddie not abiding by the law? Does any Authorities have an answer for that?  This are the questions thats are always coming in my mind throughout the years with full of pain and heartaching.
When victims went to North sydney police station, Victims were told to go to local court. Its not a criminal matter, its a civil matter. Isnt that the duty of police to keep the community safe, If something was going fishy, and victims had come to them reporting, police should be the one closing the premises and drag them to court notifying the relative Authorities. But the opposite happened.North sydney police failed to take any action to protect victims. But when victims went to Eddie kang office, Kang's Office has already been changed to another name and with different director, When victims kept on asking the money, Eddie kang staff called police, North sydney police  handcuffs victims and took in to custody for hours and cross question and harrass them, North sydney police will even sign in the witness box for harrasing Eddie Kang staff even they didnot witness it. then they will push the matter to criminal court and victims can no longer come to Eddie kangs office or ring Eddie kang. Victims have to report three four times a week in another side of the city after a tiring day of work just because asking the money back from Eddie kang and the North sydney police will help put AVO on victims, so victims cant go to the premises and call Eddie Kang for the scammed money. Wow what a justice to victims. It is not possible for Edward Kang to establish his scamming bussiness without the support of the Head of incharge at the police station involved and of course there is no doubt Eddie Kang is paying thousands in cash in return. and its not its first year,2nd or third, its been more than six year and scammer never get caught, only victims who ask for money back are caught, handcuffed, put in van and harassed for hours by the north Sydney police. 

Eddie kang,  is in Australia for his scamming business  visa and he is delighted with his scamming visa getting successfully granted. victims have studied hard, worked hard, tackling with obstacles in a foreign country,  when all the hard times are finally over after finishing study, then looking for someone to help with lodging a residency application.  Eddie kang Will have already spreading his scamming nets from his sophisticated office  few yards away from the police station with barristers,  lawyers and migration agent working there, Eddie kang will introduce himself as a migration agent and immigration agent no one will believe thats scammer is setup with all the legal team to help. Victims will pay the fees, Eddie kang will lodge an application with knowledge that the application is not going to be successful. Victim will not even have a clue that Eddie cant even lodge an application and have a deep breath handing over all the hassles and buffles to the teddie team. days will pass,  months will pass,  Eddie will say that your application is in process, by the time victims will know Eddie kang is a scammer,  they will already be illegal or they will have a little time of their visa left to look for job in their related field of study. Victims will then start calling eddie kang, Eddie kang will stop taking calls from the victims and will threaten with lengthy legal battle, deportation and also his connection to immigration officials and politicians. will start harrassing the victim with death threats and apply AVO, police will handcuff and take the victims for   the assualt they have never committed. Wow what a freedom and rights for fraudster Eddie kang. 
On the other hand, victims nightmare will get started, victims will be going round and round to get the justice. We complained this matter to MARA, MARA said it only looks after migration agent related not the Scammers. Even one of the migration agent was caught assisting Eddie Kang with his illegal activities. MARA just issued him warning  and warned him not to involved in illegal activies again & ruin people life. We believe in Authorised Migration agents and if they are fraudsters then who will we believe in future. What a shame !!! What a judgement for victims. MARA said to go to DIAC or Fair work ombudsman. Fair work ombudsman told victims, it doesnot fall under their criteria.  DIAC handed this case to fair trading, FAir trading investigating officers can be seen frustating too, saying they couldnot do their best as it didnot fall on their institution and were fed up with the matter as the officers did only had very basic knowledge on the visa and DIAC materials. Also frustated with DIAC handing over the matter to them, knowing the judges couldnot do their best to give justice to victims. Victims went to scam watch, federal police, Crime watch dog, but noone is ready to help. 
There is no doubt Mr. Eddie kang had bribed most of the DIAC investigating officers and Magistrates at any time. Every time the case was in court, Teddie was very successful in pushing the court dates further away saying he could not attend or he did not got the notices or he has mental issues and run away, And the decisions were always made in favor of him in his absence too.  Also Eddie Kang Registered his most business as PTE ltd at first and the local court said they cant do anything for the overseas company and Eddie Kang is only a director, Court cant tell Eddie kang to pay the sum, or give him punishment(2013). Even though court knew that Eddie Kang was a Scammer and there were multiple cases against him for fraud. Also when the fair trading court made the decision on May 2017, it said Mr. Eddie kang has to pay Eleven Individuals, is it fair for all victims?, cant the magistrate check how many victims were there in total. There are atleast 400 victims only recorded in NCAT and Fair trading. Many have not even lodge the complaints because of the fear Eddie kang has strong relations with some corrupted immigration officials. Many victims are already illegal, because Eddie Kang never let them know what was happening to their lodged application and knew only when they were illegal and didn't speak out in the fear of deportation. The court(2017) ordered to pay the exact scammed sum Eddie kang has taken from the 11 victims in the name of compensation and nothing else in fine. Magistrate didnot even bother to add up the court fees, interest incurred during the period and many other bills, years of harassment, torture, loss of time of visa duration are far enough to be compensated. Whereas victims sums has been doubled up with the interest in banks Evidence showed to magistrate, but did not showed any mercy on victims. Whereas, Eddie kang purchased waterfront  property purchased with victims money has nearly doubled during an extensive investigation of six years. In some cases victims loved ones has passed away, as victims was unable to send support money for family member after getting scammed by Kang, Victims  struggling economically, mentally with Eddie kangs court & police case. Why are magistrate showing so much mercy on him. Who will be responsible if Eddie kang shifted all his cash overseas, selling his estate, is it justice for victims for 9 months imprisonment for millions of dollars without any fines?
How was Eddie kang able to register more than six dozens company from the same address of North sydney for more than six years. How was Eddie kang able to advertise his scamming migration legal assistance sophisticated office running in the front of North sydney police station telling that he is the migration agent and Director of the premises. Why weren't the migration agent and the barristers who helped Eddie kang run his illegal business, who were part of it, had not been the part of investigation. Why does NCAT Magistrate always  cross question victims & try to defend Mr. Eddie Kang and not victims. I can remember first question from the magistrate was are you illegal? why didnt you check this man before handing him the money & sort of aggressive  behaviors towards victims by magistrates. What a humiliating moment for the victims. Even though local court ordered victims to pay, which never happened & is more than five years now. Eddie kang know how to play with the Australian law with help of loop holes and Bribe any government servant.  Eddie kang even said, I will show the middle finger to you & the court of Australia and laughed at the victims.  Do whatever you can. What a Humiliating moment, Local court also advised victims to forget the money and move on as you cant do anything with $2 asset company and will just go bankrupt, if they are caught. Eddie kang proved it because the court decision had no effect till the date now. 
Eddie Kang has bought his luxurious waterfront apartment unit 65,  3-13 bundarra Ave, south wahrangoo  at 2011 at a  more than a million dollar price & he owns many property at newton and other cities. Where did he get the cash from. Does he have any legal income or source he can justify. Authorities knew that he was a scammer and he can hide & transfer his assets anytime to overseas, but never froze his account and gave him plenty of time to play. if Eddie kang has already got away with his loot then is DIAC or MARA or Australian government taking responsible and give justice to victims??? 
Salute to you Eddie,  you have nailed it.  Taught lesson,  how to enjoy champagne  at your own luxurious waterfront property without hardwork and paying $0 in tax with loot money. No need a lotto win,  max is,  you need to do is to stay in a big palace with all facilities  for few months. Though the chances are rare. Well done, todd,  teddy,  Edward,  Eddie whatever it is....  . Dont worry, we and our families will take all the sufferings and harrasment. Enjoy your scamming lottery till you want.....Noone is there to stop you and/or your fake staff at the premises.
The loan my elderly dad had borrowed from friends and private lenders, has doubled in past five years and is finally with the local bank there.  My dad puts his hand on his forehead asks me every time,  how long my son do we need to wait to pay the borrowed loan. I am always saying him,  he's having a court case and we will get the money soon.  I am tired repeating the same word to my dad overtime.  I asked my dad repaying the loan bit by bit,  dad insisted, That kang has taken the money and he has to pay for it with the interest if there is any law in Australian Justice system.  If Australia is unable to provide justice, then lord is there to make him pay. and why do you need to pay for his wrongdoings.  Once i told him,  Eddie kang is still doing the lootings from the same office next to the police station.  Every department and justice system knows what cruel thing he is doing to international students and migrants.  Might be every officoals are bribed or Australia wants to teach migrants a cruel lesson,  whose only fault is to make a dream to live in this beautiful heavenly country, after finishing the study in accordance with the immigration policy. I also told him that he owns the luxurious waterfront apartment and other properties at sydney. I felt the silence on the other side.  The phone just hung up. From that time i rarely heard from my dad for months.  One day i asked my mum if something was wrong with dad. I could feel pain in my mums voice, she was struggling to find a word. She told that "your dad had gone to depression and tried to take his life. He is taking depression tablets now". He couldnot cope with the injustice been going to you and financial matters for so long. I was speechless i could hardly find a word to assure my family anymore. I had tried everything to get a justice from this conman, but i know i cant. i am loosing. I want to give up looking for justice and also my life seeing all this things happening in Equality and human rights advocating nation. I feel a big pain,  When i look at my babys face, glaring at him. His smiles and desperate at the door looking for me to play every time with him, When i am home from work. I dont want to imagine, how will my baby feel if he never sees his dad one day. I cant even imagine the day, When the only support roof for my elderly parents collapses. I know I needed to be strong for some good cause & fight against all these corrupted people. I have started paying the debts myself losing hope from the Justice system of Australia.  
I sometimes think, would the scammer still running his business, if he was frauding Australian citizens, would police behave the same way to Australians victims and take them to custody and question for hours? Are we being victims of  Eddie Kang or Racism? As the most victims are from third world country, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, pakistan and so on..I have always admired Peter Duttons work as he is a bold figure for protecting the borders and deporting people involved in criminal activities. But this case has let him so much down in my mind & i always keep thinking, but why is it...........
i have attached teddie kangs threaten audio at 2013 and also his latest dealings with victims at 2017. We still think justice is far than enough but hope with everyones help, justice can be achieved, with years of pain, stress and heavy heart be lifted with pure justice. We are tired of fighting to get justice from six years. Please help us, Please someone help us, before its too late.....
Lateline - 30/09/2015: A businessman accused of ripping off foreign students is continuing to run his operation despite facing charges of fraud and misconduct
Lateline - 30/09/2015: A businessman accused of ripping off foreign student...
A special Lateline investigation reveals that Sydney businessman Eddie Kang continues to trade as there are fear...
Below is the attached scammer Eddie Kang in his voice dealing with victims at march 2013 and recent september 2017, So whats  Authorities been doing if he is openly doing his scamming bussiness from his office at North sydney??????????????"
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  • Guest
    Ganesh Thapa Sunday, 21 January 2018

    Kieran kelly is the edward Kang dog who is giving bisuits to kieran kelly. Kieran kelly is the lawyer. This is totally scamming business. They targets the south asain mostly. Ncat court is the part of scamming team. When the victim gives application to Ncat then with the terms of law Ncat Court and Ted E kang both will smartly take ted E kang or joseph choi names are removed as respondant. Only company name us saved then no victim gets money. NCAT is the main part of ted scamming process.

  • Guest
    ABC Wednesday, 25 April 2018

    There are so many victims who have won the cases but it seems that Australian Legal System has lots of flaws as he is still operating his business and has been frauding people from the heart of Sydney. Government is not willing to hear the woes of international citizens. Most of the winners are still to receive the money that they paid to Mr. Kang.

  • Guest
    F Monday, 02 July 2018

    Please I need help how to get my money back.

  • Guest
    SK Saturday, 28 July 2018

    It seems that Eddie Kang is more powerful than the Australian government as he is playing hide and seek with the Fair Trading and is still frauding from his North Sydney office. It is unbelievable that Fair Trading can't do anything to him. Many victims who have won the cases at NCAT are yet to receive money from him.

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    M Saturday, 28 July 2018

    Since he is still operating his business from his frauding office based in North Sydney, I am wondering whether one can do a legal scam in Australia. He has proved that scam can be legal as he is running his business after scamming lots of people who are aspiring for jobs and permanent residency.

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    Ali Saturday, 28 July 2018

    Hi my name is Ali I m also victim of Eddie kang and I m left the country now before left country i was visited to paramatma local court for Eddie kang trail as victim to show evidence still I don't know received any amount for compensation my visa was expires on 02/05/2016 can you please help me to get back my money thanks or any suggestion please

  • Guest
    K Tuesday, 07 August 2018

    Hello Ali,
    I am a journalist and I want to help you.
    What is your email?

  • Guest
    H Wednesday, 13 March 2019

    Hi would you be able to help me as well as i lost my $20000 to edward kang

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    M Monday, 30 July 2018

    As you have already left the country, it is the best way to write a letter to the Prime-minister Canberra with all your proofs so that it will put pressure on him and his scam business. Eddie Kang has a good network with bureaucrats on this scam business due to which he is stealing money from lots of people and is still able to operate his business from North Sydney Office.

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    KK Monday, 30 July 2018

    Ncat, North Sydney police and Manly Court is equally currupted for Eddie Kang. In my case, North Sydney police charged me against him and Manly court gave good behaviour bond. It means I should be quite and not ask my owing money. Eddie kang can still cheat but I victim has to be keep quite. Ncat let victim win case against company for which victim wins the case but never gets money back. Case need to be win both against company and Eddie Kang. NCat civil terms, garnishes, nomination, bankruptcy, levy property all is in favour of eddie kang. One more thing, in my case infront of judge, eddie kang demanded that I should not compain about him anywhere, I should not contact him, I should not post complain to any authorities but judge did not said anything to eddie Kang and pushed me to write in paper and give back. Judge took this in writing from me. It means in front of Judge, criminal (Eddie Kang) was asking permission to donmore crime. This court was The downing Centre, 147 liverpool street, Sydney. I am writing my name as KK because the place where I live now police is chasing me under Edward Kang and North Sydney police order. The order follower police name is Constanle Chilver from Auburn police Station.

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    Ram Thapa Wednesday, 01 August 2018

    I am the victim of Ted Eddie Kang and I am still suffering from the loss of 35000 he cheated. Please help me if there is any way of getting at least part of the hard earned and loaned money whose interest I am still paying.

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    Ram Thapa Wednesday, 01 August 2018

    Please explain me how to make complain against him. I am unaware of procedure and system to make complain against him.

  • Guest
    Ganesh Thapa Wednesday, 01 August 2018

    Give me a call on 0431438200. I can help you.

  • Guest
    M Saturday, 04 August 2018

    Mr Ted/ Eddie kang is surviving by robbing money from international citizens for which the Australian System is assisting. Aren't there any agencies who can fight against him and help the international citizens who are being cheated from Mr Kang''s North Sydney based office. This Kang is getting fat by looting people's hard earned money. I asked for help to fair trading but fair trading just requested by e-mail to Kang for money which didn't work. Now, after winning the case at NCAT, Kang didn't pay me the sum. So, what is the government doing?? Isn't this the duty of the government to protect the people and help them?
    To till date, Kang is still cheating from his North Sydney based office.

  • Guest
    Z Saturday, 18 August 2018

    Is there any hope to fight against the company? It keeps changing company's name, and changing employers. Read the news that he is arrested in 2017 but he is still working in the company.

    There is a warning from Minister and fair trading not to deal with North Sydney. However, the company was under Goldman Pintex and now A.R.V.S. Dont see any impact or effect of it, as lots of clients still go there.

    There are no detailed news about the investigation of the company.

    Overall, for victims involving in dodgy company, do they even have hope to fulfil their dreams to live in Australia?

    If not, is this natural selection?

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    Ganesh Thapa Monday, 03 September 2018

    I want to tell if any victim goes to north sydney office to ask money then staff calls the police. North sydney police handcuff the victim and charges offence in manly court. I don’t understand why manly court. So, it means edward kang has good connection with North Sydney Police snd Manly Court. Manly Court is equally Corrupted. Magistrates and Judge are corrupted. If any fine issued by court and if court knows fine should not be issed to victim then court uses tactics. They convicts but they will never issue any letter of conviction. If letter was issued then victim can appeal to high court within 28 days. Then court will pass debt to SDRO and SDRO will send the victim outstanding debt letter. When victim gets letter from SDRO then its already 3 months. Now, when victim rings to court or physical visit to Manly court to ask why conviction letter and fine letter not given and not sent to victim. Then will say they have sent to previous address. So, this all is money eating process where no opportunity given to appeal. And to cross 28 days letter will be sent to previous address even Manly Court knows currenr address. All they want is money and Edward Kang is playing very well. In conclusion, Manly Court and North Sydney Police are equally Corrupted and working for Mr Edward Kang. Specially Manly Court is corrupted. This is profit share business. Now Edward Kang is operating in company name ARVS.

  • Guest
    Pk Friday, 21 September 2018

    :(Al politician ,corruption are existed in all institutions like police,border ,custom officers ,etc where can make money out of exploiting those humans who work hard to achieve better life and dream.

  • Guest
    Shane Friday, 21 September 2018

    Just throw the bastard out of Australia. Such a piece of shit he is ... make Australia clean

  • Guest
    J Monday, 07 January 2019

    Hi, does anyone have a clue about Kang’s residential address at the moment?

  • Guest
    Tan Wednesday, 09 February 2022

    He is located at 453 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95110, USA

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