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Top tips for your business toolbox

With many people now turning to the internet to look for professional services or advice, such as the service of a migration agent, it’s important not to get left behind when it comes to promoting your business online.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make your business stand out and help potential clients find you.

Create a website

At least 95% of consumers use the internet to search for a business, making it the most powerful tool for connecting to clients. It’s quick, easy and cost effective to build your own website using  a website building tool like Wix, Weebly or MYOB, or if you don’t have the time to do it yourself you can use a local website builder. It needs to highlight your business name, the services you offer including the areas you specialise in as a focal point, as well as your contact details. Add some customer testimonials to help build your reputation - people will be more willing to use you if they see that others have had a positive experience. You can find additional tips on how to make your website stand out at

Use social media

Create social media accounts, such as a Facebook page, that link to your website to help create leads and drive traffic to your site. You can share useful tips and articles to engage your audience. Encourage family and friends to like and share your page and your posts, which is a free and effective way to market your business.

List yourself in online directories

Expand your reach by listing your services in online directories (some do charge a small fee), such as Local Business Guide, True Local or Yellow Pages. There are numerous ‘find-a-professional service’ websites you can also list on, like ThreeBest Rated , which will send customers your way.  You do need to understand the fee structures of the online directories you choose to list on - some charge a flat fee and others charge for a lead, but they don’t guarantee business.

Contribute as a guest blog writer

If you have reasonable writing skills, a good way to get your business out there is to contribute content to other websites and forums. It could be either content that would appeal other migration agents and those looking to become a migration agent, or content that would provide valuable information and tips to potential clients. For example, a small business forum may want content on ‘important things to consider as an employer when hiring foreign workers’. There are many websites willing to accept content without charging a fee, providing it is well written and offers vale to their readers.

Be compliant

Make sure you have the right qualifications; are registered with MARA; and keep up to date with your CPD requirements. Equally as important, ensure you have adequate insurance protect your business and your customers in the event that something goes wrong. Displaying your registration number and highlighting that you have the relevant insurance online will assist with your credibility and help create trust with potential clients. 

To obtain your exclusive Migration Alliance member-only discount on your Professional Indemnity insurance, visit  and enter code MABIZ001 at checkout.

BizCover Pty Ltd (ABN 68 127 707 975; AR 338440) is a corporate authorised representative of Mega Capital Pty Ltd (ABN 37 098 080 418; AFSL 238549). This is general advice only. 

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