Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers. Please email
I am interested in the Presentation and hope MA could be arrange one session to be held in Melbourne. As I have to attend the CPD course on early morning of 13Oct2107 with Migration Alliance, difficult to fit into the Sydney Presentation.
I also held the NZ IAA license and would be happy to assist and participate with MA on visa applications and can jointly arrange a Presentation tour to China and visit a few cities.
ADWIN TOWN Mobile 0434232232
Here is the link:
The form is at the bottom of the page.
ADWIN TOWN has ore echoed my sentiments entirely: I am in concurrence with him that MIA should organize a Presentation similar to the Sydney session.
Like Adwin, I also hold the NZ IAA License and would be more than delighted to participate in any promotion under the aegis of MIA.
It looks quite good and offers great prospects in Newzeland