Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers. Please email
The Migration Institute of Australia has, for reasons that are unclear, decided to postpone the EGM to 8 September 2017 at 4pm.
What this means is that there will need to be a new proxy form. Please hold off on sending in the current proxy forms as these are likely to be invalid because of the sudden change of date.
We will be creating an amended proxy form and sending this to the profession.
We are waiting for clarification from MIA as to what items will be brought before the EGM this time.
Christopher Levingston
On first glance my email from the MIA looked like the meeting was cancelled because that was what was written in the subject of the email and also the heading when I open the email - in bright red letters. Only when I got Christopher's email did I read all the information and there inside the MIA email tucked into the wording was the fact it is not cancelled but postponed. I think this is quite tricky. It seems to me they are trying to get members to avoid coming because they think it is not going ahead at all. Their email seems to camouflage the postponement, and highlight the cancellation.
Can't organise a piss up in a brewery.