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With the increasing number of migration agents, both based in Australia as well as off-shore, there is a disaster looming following the new resolution changes proposed by the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA). See: Notice of MIA EGM
One of the resolutions seeks to amend the constitutions, to extend the maximum terms of directorial from two periods of two years (a maximum of 4 years) to three periods of three years (a maximum of 9 years) with the base justification that “the profession” has become dynamic and complex, defying the maxim entrenched power corrupts absolutely.
This is indirectly revealing the true colors of a power-craving management that is seen far removed from its grassroots members other than conducting CPDs. This is mainly seen as a marketing organization of its endorsed product rather than advocating for the rights of the agents and also to maintain the luxurious management style.
It is a well-known fact that the MIA is nothing but a poodle pet of the Department of Immigration Border Protection.
Unlike the Migration Alliance, it has never visibly advocated for the interest of the agents or their clients where their rights are concerned.
Case in point: Have any MIA member agents tried to get a real-life voice contact, or direct contact with a departmental officer easily, rather than having to wait for hours listening to a lengthy automated answering system?
And what has the MIA done about this? Absolutely nothing that one knows of!
Another significant matter at hand for example: What has MIA done about the unregistered practice within and outside Australia? Nothing, nothing effectively!
With this, we should strongly object to the Board of Directors remaining in their comfort zone for 9 years entrenched. It is absolutely necessary that we do not allow these constitutions to be amended.
Their rationale that the migration service has become complex does not hold water. This extension of tenure was attempted once before, and it was overwhelmingly rejected by the members.
Together let’s voice out our objections through proxy and the media. See: USE THE NEW PROXY FORM SENT TO YOU ON EMAIL OR ASK FOR ONE ON This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Robert Chelliah
Robert is one of the longest serving migration agents in Australia. With 27 years of experience as an agent and over 40 years of experience working with the Australian Migration and Border Protection, he stands firm in his beliefs to ensure fairness and impartiality of all practices under Australian Migration related matters and legislation. He is one of the key members who fought against racist intentions of the old MIA to impose English language requirement for renewal of agent’s registration.
Alternate Directors
The proposed New Constitution, under rule 20, allows a Director to appoint an alternate director who does not necessarily need to be a Branch Member or an existing Director of the Company. An alternate director is entitled to attend and vote at Board meetings in place of, and on behalf of, the appointing Director'
I do have concerns about this proposal and would vote against it.
Use of technology at general meetings and Board meetings
The proposed New Constitution incorporates a number of changes proposed to assist with the
orderly conduct of general meetings and Board meetings of the Company.
In particular, rules 12 and 27 of the proposed New Constitution allows the Company to convene a general meeting or Board meeting at two or more venues provided that the form of technology used provides the participants at each venue the reasonable ability to participate in the meeting at the same time.
I can see no reason why this can not be opened to all members logging in to a webinaire net meeting. It can not see why it only supports only venues being electronically linked not members. It is a step forward but not enough.
This is a bit misleading. The motion is to extend the term of office to three years at the end of which they will face re-election A three years appointment of common for most company boards. The three terms provision means that an individual can not serve more the 9 years in total.
The MA has change and I think it is, be it slowly, making changes There certialy is need for more reform.
I would like to see the MIA include provision for online attendance of AGMS and online voting. I would also like to see them take a more proactive role in representing Registered Migration Agents overseas. The current state base structure excludes overseas members.
The changes to the entry provisions to become a Registered Migration Agent will see a decline in the number of applicants as it now costs $20.000 and a minimum of one year plus to undertake the Graduate Diploma. The fact that practicing lawyers will not require registration under MARA will further impact on the Association. There is a need to review the authority and recognition of Registered Agents in signing certified documents and being recognised equally by all the Skilled Assessment Authorities. We are Registered and regulated.
But I see no reason to object to a three year term with a maximum of three terms. Sorry, the writer above has not made a substantial argument against the proposal