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The most ridiculous refusal letter?

Migration Alliance has received a story today from an RMA today regarding an appalling refusal out of India, which deserves attention.  Here is that story:

"I received the attached refusal letter yesterday and to be honest I’ve never seen anything like it. It still has instructions to the processing officer in there, which have not been followed (no review rights option was selected), and there is absolutely no assessment or consideration of the applicant’s claims. The attached is the refusal letter in its entirely.

The application is of course finalised in immiaccount, I have emailed the team responsible and have been told ‘we’ll look into it’. I’ve also made a complaint with the global feedback team.

This is absolutely appalling form, and in fact looks like a total mistake. How am I supposed to believe that a fair and thorough assessment of my client’s case has been conducted when it looks like someone has accidentally pressed a button and sent a completely automated, unedited email. Surely this notice is invalid – although I am yet to settle in to comb through the legislation on this point.

This particular client was wonderful to deal with – provided documents upon request, appeared to tick all of the criteria boxes, and had a very genuine reason for wanting to come and study in Australia (a statement of this, and evidence were of course provided).

Both the client and myself put a lot of work into preparing a very clear, well supported case, and right now I can’t guess the refusal reason, or I would have addressed it pre-lodgement.

It feels like a slap in the face to receive such an ill-prepared, frankly disgusting display of disorganization and incompetence, and to have no real avenue through which to have this complete disaster properly addressed.

No doubt the decision will stand, and we’ll get nothing more than a silent re-issue of a properly completed refusal letter in response to my complaint.

No explanation or communication, and no actual action taken to address the cause. Should I really believe that a capable person has carefully considered and assessed the evidence before coming to a decision?

The real issue however, is what if they haven’t?

What if this is just what it looks like, a total cockup?

What can be done?


The client won’t get their fees back. The decision won’t be reversed,. The case officer (or whoever they are) won’t be trained further. We just have to accept that if someone in the Department makes such a monumental error, it’s tough luck.

For people with the power of such (in many cases) undisputable finality, I want to know the case was properly assessed, and the decision fair. 

The client won’t get their fees back. The decision won’t be reversed,. The case officer (or whoever they are) won’t be trained further. We just have to accept that if someone in the Department makes such a monumental error, it’s tough luck. 

For people with the power of such (in many cases) undisputable finality, I want to know the case was properly assessed, and the decision fair. 



I did write back to them immediately upon receiving the letter, and this was the response:

“We acknowledge receipt of your mail and the same has been forwarded to the concerned team for their perusal and response.

You can expect to hear from them soon.



VFS Australia Visa helpdesk”

An outsourced company, not the responsible team or even someone from the Department, sent that response. 

What a shambles, and a joke. 

Just tough luck for me and my client, I guess. 

If you have any suggestions regarding whom I might take this up with, I’d really appreciate your input."


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  • Guest
    Rajinder Bassan Saturday, 22 July 2017

    In June 2017, I received a notification and decision for a subclass 600 visa application without any particulars. I had to eventually lodge a new visa application for the client and addressed the matter with the Principal Migration Officer and Senior Migration Officer of the Overseas Post by sending a separate email expressing my concerns and attached the notification and decision record. The applicant was granted a visa the very next day.

  • Guest
    Dav Wednesday, 26 July 2017

    It seems the department has outsourced their work to VFS in India. You can expect more refusals.

  • Guest
    D. U. Patel Wednesday, 26 July 2017

    Humm. Is there provisions in legislation, once decision is taken, it can't be overturned? Now, I received a visa grant letter of sc600. The applicants have applied parents visa sc103 and their application is queued. The queue letter was attached with the visitor visa application. It is supposed that a 5-year visa to be granted. Somehow, 3 year visa granted. I sought the reasons for not granting 5-year visa. Amazingly, after a week, I received visa grant notification of 5-year visa for the same applicants without making another application. If I am not wrong, isn't it the ministerial intervention require for this?

  • Guest
    Roger Fowler Wednesday, 26 July 2017

    Had a case some years ago with India - two case officers were obviously having a good laugh in sending out a ridiculous request for further information, so many errors it wasn't funny. So just got on to the PMO and visa granted quick time. Funnily enough, one of the ladies I noticed was then promoted to manager level a short time later - go figure !!!

  • Guest
    andy Monday, 31 July 2017

    Please understand that in immigration department the case officers do not have any qualification to meet the the criteria to be a decision maker.
    This is bad work of minister.

  • Guest
    Vicki Monday, 31 July 2017

    I received a refusal for a partner visa while the applicant was in detention. The case officer - and an experienced one at that leaves the previous person's name in the text that he had recycled the letter from.
    It is unfortunate that this refusal will be on the person's record too. Lodge it again without changing anything. Add a covering letter describing your actions after receiving it and a copy of this blog ... see what happens !!!

  • Guest
    Saikumar Saturday, 14 September 2019

    The same case was happened to me my Visa got rejected for Australia like same as in the top please help me what to do phone number +91 8897823287

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