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A Confederacy of Dunces

The announcement on the weekend that the Liberals in WA were going to direct their preferences to One Nation as opposed to their "natural" allies the Nationals, is but one hick up ( pardon the pun) on the road to oblivion apparently being raced down by the Federal Liberal Party. It reminds me of the Talking Heads song "Road to NoWhere".

This is hot on the heels of the defection of Corey Bernardi and his foreshadowed new "Conservative Party"

Reading the Sydney Morning Herald this morning at page 4 , Senator Bernardi distanced himself from the comments of Ross Cameron and Larry Pickering at a "Q Society" fund raiser.

As far as I can gather from the article Mr Cameron apparently referred to the Liberal party in NSW as "basically a gay club" and the Sydney Morning Herald as as the "Sydney Morning Homosexual".

Larry Pickering was also said to have made some comments about muslims and their treatment of homosexuals by throwing them off buildings.

I don't know what was actually said because I wasn't there, however, there is a steady drum beat of intolerance which can now be heard at all levels of the political debate.

The decision of Corey Bernardi and Liberal National party MP George Christensen to attend the event designed ( apparently) to raise funds to support "Liberal Alliance" political candidate Kirralee Smith over some videos which allegedly asserted that "halal certification" funded illegal activity had prompted a defamation case by a halal certifier.

Jackie Lambie the former "One Nation" Senator has tabled a private members bill making it an offence to wear full face coverings in a public place under Commonwealth jurisdiction. (Prohibition of Full Face Coverings in Public Places Bill 2017)

I guess we have to hope that the hooded full face coverings of some "young liberals" at a recent meeting would not fall foul of that legislation if it ever got through Parliament. 

So who are all of these players?

Do they have a common agenda?

Perhaps they can form themselves into one super party and call themselves " A Confederation of Dunces" 

Now that would be a party to reckon with, a real christian, non gay, non halal, non Kosher, non muslim political party, protecting free speech for all.

I can hardly wait!

I do recommend that you all try to get your hands on the book of the same title by John Kennedy Toole.

It is hilarious, unlike these current developments.

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  • Guest
    Q Society Tuesday, 14 February 2017

    Q Society - do you mean Gavin Boby who came to Australia to teach people how to stop mosques?

  • Christopher Levingston
    Christopher Levingston Tuesday, 14 February 2017

    I really do not know. Until I read the article I had no idea there was an organisation called the Q Society. What does the Q society stand for? What are its aims and objectives? ( apart from stopping mosques)

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