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Mark Glazbrook for President of South Australia: MIA elections



The following is the statement provided to Migration Alliance for release, by nominee Mark Glazbrook:

I am reaching out to you today asking for your support and your vote in the 2015 MIA State Elections.  If elected as the SA Branch President I will continue to strive to raise the profile of the migration profession in South Australia through the ongoing activities that I am currently involved with.

This is a very important election.


I have been in the migration since 1997 and first became registered in 2001.  Since this time like you, I have assisted many people with a range of immigration matters. 

In addition to this day to day work, I am actively trying to increase migration outcomes and raise awareness of the benefits of migration in South Australia.  This also raises awareness of the work we do as migration agents and the importance of the migration profession. 

I believe that being elected as a State President is a significant responsibility and with that comes expectations and responsibilities to advance the standing of the migration profession.

These are some of the current migration activities that I am involved with and I believe that through my involvement with these matters I will provide strong leadership to the South Australian migration profession.

Increased migration to South Australia

Having been involved in the migration profession for nearly 20 years the area of most interest to me is how migration affects population growth which can have a positive impact on economic activity including the creation of new jobs – something that is desperately needed throughout South Australia.  To achieve this I believe that a new “Economic Migration Program” needs to be development as an economic enabler.

  • In 2014 population growth in South Australia was 14,800 - during the same period Australia’s population grew by 330,200. 
  • Gross State Product in South Australia is 1.3% while nationally it is 2.5%
  • Unemployment in SA is 7.9% while nationally unemployment is 6.1%. 
  • Medium age in SA is 39.9 years while the national average is 37.3 years.

These are alarming figures that need to be addressed if we are to transform South Australia to a state of economic prosperity

Review of Australia’s Skilled Migration Program

As you would know, currently there is the biggest ever review of the Australian skilled migration program which will shape the future of the migration program for the next 20 years.  As a professional organisation we need to ensure that any changes do not mirror those of July 1, 2012 where significant changes to the RSMS program resulted in a massive downturn in the migration sector in SA. 

We cannot sit back and hope that SA gets a better and more flexible migration program, we need to fight for it and that is what I will continue to do.

To this end I made an independent submission and a joint submission from South Australian industry groups to the skilled migration and 400 series review.

Industry Consultation

As part of this ongoing review I have met with around 60 to 70 industry bodies, employers, State and Federal politicians, local councils and State Government Departments to discuss the review.

I also raised my concerns about migration outcomes to South Australia with Malcolm Turnbull and Minister Dutton recently when they visited Adelaide as well as Christopher Pyne Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science and Senator Edwards.

Economic Research

It surprises me that there has never been any research conducted in South Australia looking at the benefits of economic migration.  It is for this reason that I am working with the SA Centre for Economic Studies to undertake vital economic research looking into limitations of the current migration program and changes that could be introduced to drive economic growth and create new employment and training opportunities throughout South Australia. 

Preliminary research with the SA Centre for Economic Studies indicates that for every migrant worker who lives and works in South Australia in key industry sectors like Agriculture, Horticulture, Farming and food processing and manufacturing could create between 1.3 to 1.6 new jobs. 

Industry Round Table Event

Recently I held an industry round table with about 50 to 60 attendees where we discussed the review and the importance of this to South Australia.  At this meeting Senator Nick Xenophon, Hon Tom Kenyon MP (on behalf of the Premier of South Australia), Steven Marshall MP, Hon David Ridgway MLC Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Tim Whetstone MP Shadow Minister for Investment and Trade attended.

The introduction of an Economic Migration Program for South Australia

Recently I have been working with Senator Nick Xenophon regarding the introduction of an Economic Migration Program for South Australia where economic activity is less than the national average.   

An economic migration program would apply to existing 'regional Australia' or 'low population growth metropolitan areas of Australia and where gross state product and economic activity is less than the national average.  Eligible jurisdictions would be able to access this program until they have reached economic activity in line with the national average for a minimum of 3 consecutive years. 

This program is designed to enable direct and indirect economic activity, increase targeted population growth and enliven Australia’s demand driven economy in economic areas of need. 

An Economic Migration Program would include visas in the following streams

•             Business Migration

•             Skilled Migration

•             Employer Nominated

•             International Student

•             Temporary


In addition to the skilled migration and 400 series review following the 457 review I have;

  • Lobbied the Federal Government for a reduction in the TSMIT making a formal request that the Joint Standing Committee on Migration review regional concessions for the 457 TSMIT, and,
  • Made a submission to the Senate Education and Employment References Committee (SEERC) regarding “The impact of Australia's temporary work visa programs on the Australian labour market and on the temporary work visa holders”

Both of these submissions are based on the setting of the TSMIT in regional and low population jurisdictions of Australia and encouraging both committees to look at a semi-skilled program similar to the Canadian provincial migration programs which successfully provides employers and key industry sectors with access to skilled and semi-skilled workers where genuine long term vacancies exist and where a genuine net economic benefit can be achieved.

These are some examples of the efforts that I have made this year and that I will continue to make regarding the migration profession in SA, actively striving to ensure that SA receives an increased number of migration outcomes.

Changes to the Australian Migration Program

Immediate changes are urgently required in South Australia so that South Australia can increase our share of the migration program.  Despite South Australia making up about 7.2 of the total population of Australia currently we attract about 2% of the SIV program, 3% of the 457 program, 4% of family visas, 5% of student visas and 6% of the skilled migration program.

The following changes would increase our share of the migration program;

·         Any international student studying a degree or diploma in SA should be eligible for post study work rights,

·         The TSMIT needs to be reduced in line with market salary rates or the relevant award,

·         A new temporary semi-skilled work visa program needs to be introduced,

·         A regional business visa program allowing international students or working holiday visa holders to qualify for a provisional business visa,

·         The introduction of a live in caregiver program, and,

·         A temporary parent visa program.

Through previous experiences when I was the MIA SA Branch President I became aware that South Australia is not considered when it comes to changes within the broader migration program, this was further evidenced by the recent 457 review.  The reason for this is due to our very small share of the overall migration program.  As an example the total population growth of WA, QLD, NSW and Victoria in 2014 (which predominately comes via migration) was 310,000 whilst at the same time, Tas, NT, the ACT and SA only grew by a total of 20,000. 

This demonstrates the dire need for the Australian migration program to focus on the needs of the bottom 4 States and Territories not just bigger gateway cities.

2 years post qualification work experience

Through my business, Migration Solutions successfully assisted a client with an appeal to the MRT which resulted in the Department changing its policy position regarding the 2 years’ post qualification work experience provision for RSMS applicants.  This was a significant breakthrough for SA employers and visa applicants.

Submissions to South Australian Parliament

Locally I have made a submission to the Economic and Finance Committee’s inquiry into the labour hire industry with a recommendation they review Canadian semi-skilled programs as a way to safeguard temporary visa holders.

Introduction of a relationships register in South Australia

I have written to the South Australian Attorney General requesting the introduction of a relationships register in South Australia allowing people living in South Australia to register their relationships similar to opportunities that currently exist in other States and Territories of Australia so that couples do not need to live together for 12 months to satisfy Defacto cohabitation requirements. 


There is absolutely no question that changes are urgently required locally and nationally in order for South Australia to attract more migrants which will allow the State and the migration profession to grow and prosper.  I believe that South Australia should strive to double its population growth and migration outcomes in the next 3 to 5 years as this has the potential to create tens of thousands of new jobs and training opportunities throughout South Australia.  This will also support growth within the migration profession.

If elected as the SA Branch president, I will work with you and the migration profession, ensuring that all MIA members and the local branch of the migration profession are strongly represented throughout local, State and Federal Government and with local industry bodies and that the broader economic needs of South Australia are understood.

We are at a very important crossroads for migration and economic growth in South Australiaand as such the incoming SA Branch Committee will need to work very hard to ensure that the new skilled migration program provides greater opportunities for South Australia.  This review is happening now with a proposed implementation date of 1 July 2016.  If no action is taken by the SA Branch Committee on this incredibly important review – it is possible that we will see a reduction in skilled migrants and employer sponsored migrants being able to satisfy the eligibility criteria to successfully migrate to South Australia – this cannot be allowed to happen.  This will have a detrimental effect on the migration profession in South Australia.

I am not sure of what representation the current State President has made to important State and Federal issues that affect our profession, however, I will continue to do everything I can to ensure that South Australia and our migration program prospers.

For too long, migration has been a political scapegoat.  We urgently need to undertake economic research in South Australia to examine the benefits of migration to the SA economy so that the Government and others can see and appreciate these benefits.  This has recently been evidenced by highly publicised criticism of the China Australia Free Trade Agreement and Senator Penny Wong’s recent call for the TSMIT to be increased to $57,000.00, which would be catastrophic for South Australia.

I cannot emphasise strongly enough the importance of the current skilled migration review, the work of Senator Nick Xenophon in calling for the introduction of an Economic Migration Program and the economic research to be undertaken by the SA Centre for Economic Studies. 

If you vote for me as your Branch President, you will do so knowing that I will be doing everything possible to support the growth of the migration profession in South Australia.

All the best,

Mark Glazbrook MMIA

Managing Director  |  Registered Migration Agent Number 0100185 

Migration Solutions

33 Angas Street, Adelaide, SA, 5000

GPO Box 2051, Adelaide, SA  5001

P  |  +61 8 8210 9800    F  |  +61 8 8210 9899  |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • Migration Alliance
    Migration Alliance Wednesday, 21 October 2015

    Go Mark!

  • Guest
    Richard Davies Thursday, 22 October 2015

    Mark, Great goals. Best wishes for the election.
    Look forward to the implementation nationally. This is precisely the new style of approach which the "migration advice" industry needs to support, and to make all RMA's proud to be a part of this profession.
    Richard Davies

  • Guest
    Mark Glazbrook Thursday, 29 October 2015

    Thank you Richard..

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